This Red Tea Kills Bacteria In The Bladder And Stops Infections Almost Instantly

This Red Tea Kills Bacteria In The Bladder And Stops Infections Almost Instantly

Because you've been informed that your gallbladder has little bearing on your health, you frequently ignore it. According to statistics, however, a third of all women experience bladder issues at some point in their lives. We must take action to increase public awareness of bladder dysfunction because the pain and anguish it causes are all too frequent.

Your organs, especially your gallbladder, perform greatly depending on the foods you eat.

Have you tried hibiscus before? Everyone should be aware of the delicious treatment for bladder troubles that hibiscus-infused water offers.

Hibiscus tea

The vivid blossoms aren’t the only association with “hibiscus.” Hibiscus involves a varied genus of the flowering plant, including bright white Hibiscus arnottianus, pale pink Hibiscus hirtus, bright yellow Hibiscus hispidissimus, and deep red Hibiscus rosa-sinensis.


Hibiscus sabdariffa, or the roselle flower, releases large magenta blossoms. The roselle flowers have been long used in the treatment of numerous ailments. The calyces of the flowers is packed with the compounds your bladder needs.


The calyces are harvested and dried. There are many recipes of hibiscus tea, and we all have our favorite. Mexicans have a tasty drink called aqua de Jamaica made from dried hibiscus, ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. The refreshing juice is served on the rocks. People in Sudan like to prepare their karkade. They soak hibiscus flowers in ice-cold water for days to obtain the perfect taste. But, we prepare our hibiscus tea in a simple way. We just steep hibiscus tea bags in hot water. Who wants a cup of sweet and tart hibiscus tea?


How does it work?

Hibiscus tea offers numerous health benefits. It is packed with ascorbic, tartaric, and citric acid. These healthy acids cleanse the body, and provide optimal function of every organ. This detox power reduces inflammation, making you feel and look better.

Hibiscus tea is an excellent diuretic, and the more you urinate, the less toxins will harass your body. The red tea also regulates blood pressure.

The bladder is filled with contaminants that are released through the urine. So, if you go more often to the restroom, you will actually help the bladder repair itself.

Soda and coffee harm the bladder. Artificial sugars and caffeine irritate the lining, and cause severe pain and bleeding. Drink hibiscus tea instead of your coffee to strengthen your bladder.

Extra tips

These tips will help you protect your bladder, and boost your optimal health.


1. Avoid sugar

Sugar is added to almost every product at the market. But, your bladder doesn’t like it, because sugar causes bladder infections or UTIs. Remember, bacteria feed on sugar. So, eat more fruits instead of your sweets packed with artificial sugars.


2. Avoid hot spices

Spicy foods harm your bladder. The same burning sensation harms your bladder, too. Avoid strong spices or at least limit their intake.


3. Avoid dairy

Avoid dairy products if your body doesn’t “like” lactose. Write down the foods you eat to determine whether dairy products harm your body.

Consult your doctor about any problems you may have. Ask for professional advice regarding your bladder issue, and seek for a proper treatment. Introduce healthy changes to your dietary habits, and drink more hibiscus tea.

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