Simply Include These Two Ingredients In Your Shampoo To Permanently Stop Hair Loss

Simply Include These Two Ingredients In Your Shampoo To Permanently Stop Hair Loss.

Do you understand the root of hair loss? According to specialists, hair loss is linked to a number of conditions, including stress, pregnancy, menopause, weight loss, etc.

However, there are additional factors that can hasten and encourage hair loss. Hormonal imbalances brought on by stress might result in significant hair loss.

This problem may make you feel insecure, cause you to retreat, and have an impact on your self-esteem. Spending a lot of money on high-end hair products and treatments that don't always work well will cost you a lot of money.

We present you a homemade shampoo which can help you to solve this problem.

How to make my own homemade shampoo for hair loss?

The first thing you need is a natural shampoo with neutral pH. You can use the normal baby shampoo. This shampoo is used as a base ingredient, but we will use 3 other ingredients in it.

You will need to add rosemary essential oil. It is perfect for increasing the blood flow to the scalp, thus providing strength to the hair. Also, you will need lemon essential oil. It is refreshing and it is a great antiseptic.

And the third thing you will need is 2 caplets of vitamin E, which can be bought in the pharmacies or in the local health stores. Vitamin E is very beneficial against hair loss. It will stop the process of hair loss. It is very simple and easy to make this shampoo. Just follow these instructions.


Add 10 drops of essential oil of rosemary and 10 of lemon essential oil into the neutral shampoo. Then, add the 2 capsules of vitamin E. Shake well before using the shampoo.



It is very important to use this homemade shampoo every other day – if you use it today, the next day take a break. Apply it on the hair and gently massage it for few minutes. Let it stand for 10 minutes. Then, rinse it off with warm water.

You will be amazed by the results. Just in few weeks you will notice that your hair will start to grow!

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