Say Goodbye to Back Pain in Natural Way! Successful In 95% of Cases!


Say Goodbye to Back Pain in Natural Way! Successful In 95% of Cases!

One of the most common health issues today is low back pain, also referred to as lumbago, hexenschuss, and witch stab.


What Is It?

The 33 vertebrae that make up the spine—12 thoracic, seven cervical, five sacral, five lumbar, and four coccyx—are joined by numerous nerves, muscles, ligaments, and blood vessels to hold the body together.

The canal in the spine, which allows us to stand upright, is where the nerve roots of the arms and legs and the spinal cord pass.

The spine is constantly exposed to the mechanical action of the load because it is responsible for performing numerous functions. It is subjected to pressure, bending, twisting, shearing, and twisting, all of which may result in overuse.

Different parts of the spine are characterized with different range of motion. For instance, the neck has high mobility while the chest part is significantly less mobile. Transition between one to another part of the spine may lead to degenerative changes, which are actually the major sources of pain. 

Risk Category

Degenerative and congenital anomalies o the spine after injury or operation are the major causes of low back pain. However, sedentary jobs, osteoporosis, and difficult physical jobs may also be the cause.


Most Common Causes of Low Back Pain

  • Back muscle strain ( lifting a a heavy object, twisting, or a sudden movement)
  • Lumbar herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc disease


Symptoms of Low Back Pain

  • Muscle spasms
  • Local soreness upon touch
  • Difficulty moving that can be severe
  • Pain that is usually worse after long periods of standing still or sitting


Treatment and Prevention

The herb called comfrey, which is found on wet ditches near water, meadows, and fields, is one of the things that can make life easier to people suffering from back pain.

Experts at the German Sports University have done a research involving 120 participants with lower and upper back pain in order to test the efficacy of comfrey root extract. The results which showed that this extract helped them manage and heal their back pain were published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

The researchers rubbed 4 g of ointment on the patients` back three times daily over the course of five days. Half of them used ointment containing comfrey root extract while half of them didn’t. No one knew which group received comfrey root ointment and which group were getting the placebo.

The comfrey root extract proved to be extremely effective in reducing back pain. Earlier studies have also found that it works against other type of pain, such as osteoarthritis and dislocation of joints in the knee.

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