Relieve Bloating, Speed Weight Loss and Balance pH With One 2-Minute Morning Trick

Relieve Bloating, Speed Weight Loss and Balance pH With One 2-Minute Morning Trick

This post will be brief and to the point. Perhaps because it is the last day of Ramadan and because my month-long fast of 18 hours a day will end with me collapsing onto the bed and dreaming of (gluten-free, homemade) muffins. Oh, I'll eat all the muffins.

However, I digress. The point is that I felt like I was sitting like a lemon while I was in a vegetative state, which reminded me of the best advice I typically give clients: to drink lemon water. That is indeed how my brain functions.

There may be a hundred posts about this already on the Internet, but I want to add to the discussion because there are hundreds of people who don't do this, who are still unaware of it, and who could greatly benefit!


The Morning Lemon Trick

Here’s How You Do It

Heat some water in a kettle in the morning and then mix it with some room temperature to make it drinkable. In your mug, squeeze about half a lemon (or quarter, to start). Drink on an empty stomach.


Here’s Why It’s Awesome

  • Reduces bloating
  • Helps with weight loss (for an added kick, add a pinch of cayenne pepper to boost metabolism)
  • Helps you poop if constipated
  • Clears up skin blemishes & acne
  • Boosts immune system
  • Helps maintain pH balance in the body (more alkaline = better energy & overall health)
  • Replenishes electrolytes lost through exercise
  • Makes digestion stronger i.e. easier to break down food, especially fat
  • Reduces pain & inflammation in joints

But seriously, do this for a week. You might get hooked like my clients typically do. It just clears out the gunk from the night before and makes digestion so much better that day. Your skin should start to look and feel better pretty quickly as well.

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