How to Remove Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon – Recipe

How to Remove Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon – Recipe

Given that the colon is an essential component of the digestive system, its regular operation is quite important for your general health, so you should take care of it.

The originator of body ecology, Dona Gates, asserts that keeping a healthy colon and digestive system improves general health and assures wellbeing.

In particular, a healthy colon is essential for all body tissues and cells, including the liver, which is the primary organ in charge of toxin removal.

It collects and excretes the waste products from the liver, blood, lymphatic system, throat, lungs, and sinuses, as well as the undigested feces.

Moreover, all the leftover nutrients from the consumed foods, like vitamins, water, and electrolytes, go to the colon and can be brought back so the body can use them.

All these important processes will not take place if the function of the colon is impeded, and as the toxins and waste build up, they lead to numerous health issues.

Medical experts claim that the food digestion lasts from 24 to 44 hours, so the food needs this time to pass the bowels and colon, and leave your body in the form of waste.

Therefore, the body needs 70 hours to process processed foods which lack nutrients and thus accumulates over 20 pounds of waste in the colon. In these cases, a person suffers from constipation and irregular and painful bowel movements.

In the case of colon toxicity, one often experiences the following symptoms:
  • Diarrhea, stomachache, gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Vaginal infections, poor immunity, skin rashes, bladder problems
  • Anxiety, poor memory, depression, fatigue, mood swings, brain fog

Colon cleanse recipes are extremely effective in boosting the function of the colon and thus enhancing overall health. We suggest the following two, which provide amazing effects in less than 15 days!


Colon Cleanse Recipe with Essential Oils


  • 10 drops of lemon and peppermint essential oil
  • The juice of 1 organic lemon
  • 12 oz of filtered water


Mix all the ingredients, and consume the mixture 3 times daily for two weeks.


Maple Syrup Colon Cleanse recipe

This recipe has been invented by Stanley Burrough, who is an alternative medicine health practitioner, and it takes 10 to 16 days.


  • Fresh juice of 1 organic lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of grade B organic maple syrup
  • ½ a teaspoon of cayenne pepper
  • 12 oz of filtered water


All you need to do is to combine the ingredients listed above and consume the mixture 4 times daily for two weeks.


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