How To Make Peppermint Oil Help You Stop Eating Junk Food And Instead Burn Tons Of Extra Calories

How To Make Peppermint Oil Help You Stop Eating Junk Food And Instead Burn Tons Of Extra Calories

It is well known that refined sugar is highly addictive. Science has established that "sugar addiction" has the same effects on the brain as a substance that forms habits.

Sugar addiction is a very challenging habit to kick, especially when the body and digestive tract are overrun with yeast, candida, parasites, and bacteria that love sugar. You need to go through a real detox process to stop the urges and this habit. Fortunately, numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of using natural remedies, such as peppermint essential oil, to treat sugar addiction.

According to a study conducted by Alan Hirsch MD, inhaling peppermint directly affects the satiety center, the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, responsible for stimulating a sensation of fullness after a meal.

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is a hybrid mint, something between watermint and spearmint. Native to the Middle East and Europe, peppermint nowadays is widely grown in many religions around the world. Peppermint oil is definitely one of the most popular essential oils, and there is a good reason for it. It can provide numerous therapeutic benefits, including relieving indigestion and improving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. It can decrease tuberculosis-induced inflammation, prevent asthma, clear up phlegm, ease herpes infections, manage stress, and treat nervous disorders.


How to Make Peppermint Oil

Needed Ingredients:

  • Fresh peppermint leaves (found in health food stores or supermarkets)
  • Carrier oil, preferably olive oil
  • A glass jar with a tight lid



Wash the peppermint leaves and crush or chop them. Put them in a jar together with the carrier oil. Seal the jar and leave it to stand for 24 hours. Then, make sure to strain the oil, add more of the ingredients, and reseal. You should repeat this procedure for 5 days, remove the leaves, and transfer the oil in another container. Keep it in a cool place.


Uses of Peppermint Essential Oil

  • Reduces gas and bloating
  • Promotes proper respiratory function
  • It is found in oral health products
  • Promotes digestive health
  • To relieve stomach upset, take a few drops in a Veggie Capsule
  • Add a few drops to your smoothie for a refreshing twist
  • Diffuse when feeling low on energy or fatigued
  • For an energy boost, rub on temples in the morning
  • Put a drop in your mouth to freshen breath

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