Here Is How to Remove Tonsil Stones Without Surgery

Here Is How to Remove Tonsil Stones Without Surgery

When we observe white nuggets in the tonsils, we experience the sensation of something being trapped in our throat. Nowadays, tonsil stones (also known as white nuggets) are a common condition. This problem develops when bacteria, mucus, dead skin cells, and food scraps begin to accumulate in the tonsil crypts. They might be soft, squishy, and yellowish or white in color. In this situation, several health complications, such as foul breath, throat irritation, trouble swallowing, and breathing problems, may result.


If you have persistent tonsil inflammation or poor dental hygiene, your risk of developing tonsil stones is substantially higher.


The usual course of treatment for this condition is a tonsillectomy or surgical removal. It does not, however, ensure that they won't happen again. When you remove them, you really reduce some of your immunity and let bacteria and viruses into your body. Surprisingly, we will outline for you today the methods that are most useful for removing tonsil stones at home:



Good bacteria completely eliminate the bad bacteria. S.salivarius K12 is definitely the most effective probiotic in the fight against the stones. You should simply take the capsule and open it. Combine it with 4 oz of warm water and stir until it dissolves. Swish the resulting mixture in the mouth and tilt your head before spit it out in order to do it closer to the stones. Chewing gums and toothpaste can also help you get rid of tonsil stones.



It has water flosser nozzle, motor and water reservoir. Place the nozzle at the tonsil cervices in order to remove the stones. The next thing you should do is to blast them out and set the irrigator on lowest setting without hurting the tonsils.



Place your head down for the stones to fall out your mouth and point the curved syringe tip at the pocket with the stones. Combine equal parts of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water for the syringe. It will create environment for the bacteria so they can not survive and also eases the stone removal.



The stones can be removed very easily if the Q-tip is visible and big to reach the back of your throat. Use the Q-tip in order to push the area of tonsils gently, until they are dislodged. Perform this procedure in front of the mirror, apply enough pressure and they will appear from behind the tonsil’s pocket.


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