Do This For Just 6 Minutes Every Day – Here’s What Happens To Belly Fat

Do This For Just 6 Minutes Every Day – Here’s What Happens To Belly Fat

The most frequent exercise query I hear as a personal trainer is, "What can I do to strengthen my core?" Despite the fact that the terms "core" and "abs" are very different from one another, this is a great question. Your abs, glutes (butt), lower back muscles, and hips make up your core. Your abs are just that—your abs.

While strengthening your core will give you stronger abs, it will also help you stand straighter, reduce low back pain, prevent injuries, and enhance your athletic performance. So start your core training now!


Day 1


This first workout includes three simple exercises and will take less than five minutes to complete one circuit. If you’re feeling ambitious, try doing the entire routine a second time through.

  • Exercise #1: Skyscrapers — 10 per side
  • Exercise #2: Windshield Wipers — 10 per side
  • Exercise #3: Army Crawls — 36 steps


Day 2


Day two’s workout includes four challenging moves that can be completed in five minutes or less. Again, try a second round of this core circuit if you want an extra challenge.

  • Exercise #1: Breakdancer — 15 per side
  • Exercise #2: Skydiver — Hold for 30 seconds
  • Exercise #3: Dead Bug — 10 reps
  • Exercise #4: Thread the Needle — 10 per side


Day 3


Now it’s time for Day 3, our elite core workout!

This workout consists of four super-tough core exercises that are performed in a quick, six-minute circuit that will test every inch of your core strength.

  • Exercise #1: Crab kicks into Superman — 6 per side
  • Exercise #2: Star leg raise — 10 per side
  • Exercise #3: Side V-ups — 10 per side
  • Exercise #4: Over/unders — 10 per side



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