8 Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Better

8 Natural Remedies to Help You Sleep Better

The fact that you haven't slept enough can irritate you more than anything else. Can you picture going to bed late at night and getting up early the next day? You won't feel well after it. If you were to go about your day, you might behave like a zombie. The ability to sleep whenever you want may urge you to take sleep aids, but you don't want to become accustomed to them. There are different reasons why you can lose sleep every day, such as the following:


Reasons Why You Can Lose Sleep Every Dday

  • Stress – When you become too stressed with what is happening in your life, you have the tendency to think about these thoughts when you are about to sleep at night. It will keep you wide awake.
  • Technology – Even if technology has contributed to a lot of positive things happening in this world, it has caused people to sleep less because people use technology in order to see the rest of the world. People can watch videos up to the wee hours of the morning and this can of course, contribute to not getting enough sleep.
  • Energy Drinks – You know that energy drinks are guaranteed to keep you awake for hours but once the effect of the drink wears off, you will feel tired.
  • Caffeine – Similar to energy drinks, you may load up on drinks like coffee that has a substantial amount of caffeine to help you function every single day.

There are still a lot of other things that can contribute to why you are not sleeping at night but out of all of them, stress is the main reason as it can affect all the other factors. Trying to let go of stress can be hard especially if you are an over thinker but perhaps now, you can stop feeling stressed out and just focus on natural remedies that will help you sleep.

1. Set Up A Sleeping Routine

Do you realize that your body will find it easier when you follow a routine? This is also the reason why you can wake up better in the morning once you have established this routine. This is something that you can follow every day so that things will go well. When you set up a sleeping routine, you will have the tendency to feel sleepy naturally. After some time, you will find yourself sleeping better.

  • Do not disrupt your biological clock. Go to sleep when you feel the need to do so.
  • You may want to establish a different routine during weekends but this may be a bit hard for your body to fathom.
  • When you go to sleep even at different times, try to make them close to each other so your body will still understand when you need to go to sleep.

2. Acupuncture

If you are searching for an alternative therapy that can help you sleep better, acupuncture is what you are searching for. This traditional Chinese tradition involves the placement of special needles in some parts of the body in order to reach pressure points. If the right pressure point to sleep better will be reached then you will sleep well every night.

  • Find the right acupuncturist. You need someone who truly knows what to do.
  • You will know if the acupuncture works if you will feel your body respond to the need that you have to sleep.
  • Remember that acupuncture is known to be one of the oldest healing practices done in various parts of the world. It would be a privilege to try it out.

3. Exercise

Do you know that exercising will do more than tiring you to help you sleep better? When you exercise, the blood flow going to your brain increases so you have the tendency to feel more alive since you can think better and make good decisions that can give you the benefits that you need. When you exercise, the quality of the sleep that you get will also improve a lot.

  • You are recommended to allot about 30 minutes of your time doing physical activities. It would depend on you what you want to do. You can swim, run or jog. As long as it would give you the right exercise, then it can help.
  • When you exercise, you will also lessen the amount of sleepiness you will feel during daytime.
  • Set up your exercise routine a few hours before bed time because exercising before sleeping might power your brain too much that you would not be able to sleep.

4. Your Bedroom Matters

If you do not understand what this means, think about where you sleep. You sleep inside your bedroom, right? How does it look? Are you happy with how your bedroom looks like? If you like it and you know that you can relax in it then sleeping will not be an issue. You can just go to sleep and be out like light when you tell yourself to do so.

  • Set up your bedroom in such a way that you will truly feel comfortable.
  • Try not to watch television before sleeping because watching might not help you sleep well.
  • Have lights that you will be comfortable in. Your body might need some indication that you are about to sleep. Having dimmer lights in your bedroom can help.

5. Improve Your Diet

What do your usual meals look like? Do you have a lot of food products and drinks that are not helpful for you? Perhaps you cannot live without carbonated drinks but you know that you have to lessen it little by little. When you make some small changes with your diet, you will notice that you will start sleeping better than ever.

  • Do not eat heavy or spicy food before you sleep at night. While eating spicy food can contribute to burning fat, doing it before you go to sleep will not improve the quality of your sleep.
  • Avoid eating or drinking any form of chocolate before going to sleep as this will make you feel hyper.
  • Your dinner should be eaten a few hours before you actually go to sleep. You can also make it as light as possible.

6. Get More Melatonin

If in case you are not sure what this is, this is a type of chemical produced by the body in order to help you sleep better but there will be moments when you will not have enough of this in your system. There are some pills and supplements that will allow you to get it but if you want to make it more natural, here are some things that you can do:

  • You can add cherries to your diet. Cherries that are not preserved yet actually taste amazing and it has serotonin that can be converted into melatonin.
  • You can also increase your banana intake because bananas can help relax your muscles and will make it easier for you to feel that you are going to sleep.

7. Stop Smoking

Do you know that when you smoke, you will still be unable to sleep well? This is because your body’s craving for nicotine will be there while you are sleeping so it will be more active as compared to the body of a non smoker. There are also some health conditions that might be aggravated by smoking so try to stop it as soon as you can.

  • Trying to stop yourself from smoking can be complicated especially if you have been doing it for years. You may stop smoking together with other people so that it will be more effective.
  • You can try to limit the amount of cigarettes that you smoke in a day until you are down to one cigarette a day and you just have to let go of it.
  • Find strategies that will help you quit smoking effectively.

8. Chamomile

Unlike other types of teas that may keep you awake, chamomile is that one tea that you need if you want to sleep better at night. This is known to help people sleep better because it can help relax your muscles. Unlike other teas, this also has a distinct taste and it is not bad actually especially if you are going to mix it in with other ingredients.

  • You may choose to get fresh chamomile or you can purchase ones that are already in tea bags.
  • Place in a cup of warm water and leave for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bag or the fresh chamomile.
  • Add honey to make it taste better but this is optional. Some people prefer placing milk as this can also contribute to helping people sleep better.
  • Drink chamomile before sleeping at night to improve the quality of your sleep.

There are still a lot of other home remedies that you can try that will help you sleep better naturally. For example, do you know that consuming small amounts of carbs throughout the day will allow you to sleep better at night? You can just consume a small piece of bread to help you out. Can you still think of other home remedies that you would like to try?


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