12 Amazing Vinegar Uses In The Garden

12 Amazing Vinegar Uses In The Garden

It's not a good idea to use chemicals and toxins in your garden, and don't forget about the harmful pesticides and fertilizers.

Although these products are inexpensive, you should avoid using them. Both the environment and your health are harmed by them. Have you ever thought about substituting vinegar for your typical pesticides?

It's the newest inexpensive, environmentally friendly item for your garden. Is there anything more you might want?

You may purchase white distilled vinegar at your neighborhood grocery store. It has various uses in gardens.

12 amazing uses of white vinegar in the garden:

1. Keep pets away from your garden

Spray your garden with white vinegar, and you will never ever see any rodents, moles, dogs, pets, and rabbits wandering around. Now cats won’t ‘do their job’ in your children’s sand pit.

You can also soak old clothes in the vinegar, and hang them in your garden. Repeat in cases of rain.

2. Clean dirty clay pots

Clay pots keep your planting soil moist, and protect the plant in summer. But, your gorgeous clay pots absorb minerals, calcium, and salt from the water and the fertilizers you use. Not pretty, right? White vinegar is the solution to your problem, and it will help you clean your pots thoroughly.

  • Remove any crusty residues
  • Soak the pot in 20-25 percent vinegar solution. Use a cup of 5% vinegar and 3-4 cups of water. Leave the pots in for half an hour.
  • Scrub off any residues using undiluted vinegar.

3. Repel ants

White vinegar is the ultimate insecticide. Spray any affected spot, and you will never ever see ants.

4. Remove weed

Spray pure vinegar to remove weeds, and your garden will look like the neatest place on earth.

5. Cut flowers will last for longer

Stir 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar into your one-quart vase. Change the solution every 3-5 days. Your flowers actually use this as food.

6. Wipe out weeds

White vinegar is the perfect anti-weed product you need.

Combine a cup of salt, a tablespoon of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of dish soap. Add the mixture to 5% white vinegar.

Spray the resulting mixture on your garden areas.

7. Eliminate garden bugs

Use three parts of water, one part of vinegar and a teaspoon of dish soap. Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle, and shake well. Use when needed.

8. Get rid of stubborn fruit flies

Use half a cup of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of molasses, a cup of water, and a quarter cup of sugar. Pour the mixture in a fitting container, and hang it in your garden. Fruit flies will soon fall in the trap. Use it to get rid of other flies, too.

9. Give a fresh kick to acid loving plants

Add a cup of vinegar to a gallon of water, and refresh your rhododendrons, gardenias, and azaleas. This solution will boost their growth.

10. Clean garden tools

Use pure vinegar to do this. You can either spray or soak your tools in the vinegar. Rinse well.

11. Destroy fungi

Combine 2 teaspoons of vinegar and chamomile tea. Spray the liquid on any plants with dark spots on their stems and leaves.

If your roses got a bit sick, use 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar and 4 liters of water. Spray this solution on your roses.

12. Get rid of slugs and snails

It’s the perfect “anti-snail” product. Use it to keep these tiny creatures away from your garden.


Seed germination

White vinegar works well when it comes to germinating seeds. It works well for okras, asparagus, moonflowers, glories, and pretty much any seeds that don’t germinate easily.

Use coarse sandpaper to scrub the seeds the night before the planting procedure. Add 125ml of vinegar to 500ml of water, and add a squirt of washing-up liquid. Soak the seeds in the solution, and you’re ready for some planting.

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