Press These 4 Points On Your Body And Lose Weight Fast

Press These 4 Points On Your Body And Lose Weight Fast

Acupuncture and acupressure have been used for many years to treat a variety of health problems. Pressing the next 4 points will help you lose weight quickly.

Acupressure is a very sophisticated medical practice, not a scam or something that is confusing. Every organ in the body that uses energy channels directly is associated with a few particular body spots. Therefore, if you want to enhance the function of particular organs, you must locate their precise location and massage them appropriately.

By following these instructions, you are going to boost your metabolism, and as a result, you will be energetic throughout the whole day, so the extra fat is gradually going to start to disappear, as it will stop with accumulation.

You will control the appetite and make a completely new, healthy lifestyle.

Here are the points that are surely going to help you to get rid of extra weight:


With massaging this particular point you are going to speed up your metabolism, which contributes to faster weight loss in all parts of your body. You need to massage it with smooth and continuous pressure on your ear with the thumb for around 3 minutes, three times a day.



You can find this point between the nose and the upper lip. It is suggested to stimulate this point twice a day for around 5 minutes. This massage is going to help you in controlling hunger and stress. In case you eat more when you are stressed, then this routine is perfect for you!



Every part of your internal energy goes through the arms which is the reason why this is the key point of the body. With massaging this point, you are going to release your body of extra heat, and on that way improve the work of the intestine.

You have to massage this point for around one minute, 2-3 times a day.



This is one the most used point in acupressure. The point is known as Zu San Li, and it will not only improve the digestion, but will also help to defeat some inflammatory processes in the body.

It is also called point of longevity or point against numerous diseases. You can find it under the knee cup.

To find the point, cover the knee with your palm, in case you are using your left leg, then cover with your left hand, and the other way around. The point is right between the end of you little and ring finger as lower break between your bones.

If you massage this point each day in the evening, you could lose up to one pound a week.

You need to massage it clockwise 9 times each leg, for just 10 minutes (5 minutes for each leg). But don’t do this right before going to sleep, because it could cause insomnia.

Maybe during the process you are going to experience minor discomfort, even pain. However, don’t worry. That’s how it supposed to be, or else you won’t reach the desired results.

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