Plantar Fasciitis / Jogger’s Heel. How To Get Rid Of The Pain In The Heels


Plantar Fasciitis / Jogger’s Heel. How To Get Rid Of The Pain In The Heels

We must all acknowledge that we sometimes bring difficult situations upon ourselves. Whether they are moving, jumping, or jogging while carrying the weight of the day, It is very common for them to occasionally become brittle or exhibit pain that shouldn't be ignored. If the discomfort is not treated right away, it could seriously harm the health of our feet.


Because they use their feet four times as much as the average person, athletes, people who engage in strenuous activity, and pregnant women experience the most foot pain. How can pain be managed and lessened when it happens? We must first locate the cause of the evil before we can respond.


The causes that lead to heel pain are many. The most common are:

– Excessive weight gain so the feet have to lift the entire weight of the body.
– Too intense activity or walking on hard floors, too.
– The use of bad soles that do not support the arch enough.
– A foot deformity that could be too flat or too low.

If you have pain related to inflammation in this case it would be better to consult a doctor in order to identify the origin and to treat it in time.

Concerning women, wearing high heels too much and also uncomfortable shoes might also be a main cause.


Fortunately this little disease is easily treated and does not require surgery.
– Plantar fasciitis requires first and foremost rest, plenty of rest. You must allow time for your muscles and membranes of your feet to rest.

– Inflammation. Put an ice pack for 15 minutes on the heel to be treated to relieve inflammation.


– Exercise ball
For the first exercise, you need a tennis ball or a plastic or glass bottle. Roll the ball or the bottle with your foot on it for about 60 seconds.


– Stretching the plantar fascia
You have to set the foot that hurts on the knee of the other leg. Then take all your toes and lift them up for a few seconds. Your arch should be very tense and hard to the touch. Repeat this stretching about 10 to 20 times at a rate of three times per day.

– Stretching the Achilles heel
Stand before a wall and put one of your hands and hold the balance. Start by bending one leg forward, sliding the foot of the other leg backwards while keeping it pressed to the ground. Without lifting the heel off the ground, try to stretch backward as maximum as you can. Hold thirty seconds and then return to starting position.


– It is highly recommended to do these sets of exercises daily to effectively cure or to prevent pain in plantar fasciitis.
– Invest in medical shoes that are comfortable for you feet.
– Avoid walking barefoot.
– Avoid too hard and stony ground.
Occasionally do foot baths with hot water and baking soda, the latter reduces calluses, reduces itching and relaxes your feet.
– It is very important to warm up before stretching.

It is nevertheless important to note that plantar fasciitis, if it is not treated effectively, can lead to severe pain. If you do not see any improvement following the stretching exercises, you should see a doctor immediately.


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