Lose 10 lbs. in Just One Week with This Boiled EGG Diet!

Lose 10 lbs. in Just One Week with This Boiled EGG Diet!

There are some efficient strategies to quicken weight loss, but there isn't a magic formula that will enable you to drop the extra pounds over night.

You must cut back on calories if you want to shed excess body weight, and this low-calorie diet will help you get in shape quickly!

Eggs, which are a key component of this diet and a great source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc, as well as vitamin C, B12, A, B2, and B5,

25% monounsaturated fat, 9.4% polyunsaturated fat, and 18.1% saturated fat are all present in eggs. Studies have shown that eggs regulate cholesterol levels in a different way than previously thought, dispelling the notion that they raise levels of low-density (LD) cholesterol.

People who have tried the diet with boiled eggs claim that it initially reduces their energy levels, as it is low in carbs, but regular exercise solves this issue.


Here is the 2-week plan:

Week 1:

Breakfast –2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch –2 slices of bread and fruit
• Dinner –grilled chicken and salad

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch –grilled chicken and green salad
• Dinner – 2 boiled eggs, salad and an orange.

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – cheese, a slice of bread and a tomato
• Dinner – Grilled chicken and salad

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – fruit
• Dinner – grilled chicken and salad

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch –2 boiled eggs and boiled vegetables
• Dinner – grilled fish and salad.

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – fruit.
• Dinner – grilled chicken and salad

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit.
• Lunch – boiled vegetables with chicken and a tomato salad
• Dinner – boiled vegetables


Week 2:

Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – chicken and salad
• Dinner – 2 boiled eggs, salad and an orange

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch –2 boiled eggs and boiled vegetables
• Dinner – grilled fish and salad.

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – Salad and chicken
• Dinner – 2 boiled eggs, salad and an orange

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch –2 boiled eggs, cheese and boiled vegetables
• Dinner – grilled chicken and salad

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – tuna salad
• Dinner –2 boiled eggs and salad

Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch – salad and chicken
• Dinner – fruit.

Breakfast – 2 boiled eggs and fruit
• Lunch and dinner – grilled chicken and vegetables

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