Here’s How To Deflate Your Tummy Naturally

Here’s How To Deflate Your Tummy Naturally

Who doesn't aspire to have a slim body and a flat stomach? However, there are other reasons why fat tends to build up in our bodies, particularly around the belly, besides an abundance of food temptations and a sedentary lifestyle. This fat can sometimes reappear despite diets and exercise. Here's what you should do to get rid of it!

A serious health risk is posed by the localized fat buildup around the thighs. In fact, the purpose of this mass of fat cells is to temporarily store poisons that the body is unable to eliminate. However, as the body develops more fat to protect the poisons, more toxins are produced, creating a vicious cycle that is challenging to escape.

Moreover, the presence of abdominal fat increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. According to The INTERHEART Study each increase in waist circumference increases the risk of myocardial infarction by 19% and doubles the risk of heart disease.

To eliminate these risks and regain a flat stomach, it is important to identify your type of stomach and be attentive to what causes swelling of your belly and expanding your waistline.


1 – Flat stomach in the morning and bloated stomach during the day
When you wake up in the morning with a flat stomach and begins to bulge during the day, with excessive flatulence production, this may be due to difficulty digesting certain foods or food intolerance.


Solution: Try to identify, alone or with the help of a doctor, foods that are the source of your problem and adjust your diet based on the results.


2 – Beer drinker belly
Because of excessive consumption of alcohol, especially beer, belly tends to inflate. This is due to overload of the liver that is overworked by the amount of alcohol that it consider as toxins, so it works to filter them. When we speak about tired liver, it means improper disposal of fats and thus their accumulation in the body and around the abdomen.

Solution: Stop, or at least, limit the alcohol intake to reduce the size of your waist belt.


3 – “Stressed” belly
When a person is stressed, the body uses its energy to deal with this situation and be prepared to “take flight” if necessary. However, this causes a slowing of the digestive system, causing various digestive problems including bloating. The belly thus tends to dangle.

Solution: Learn to manage your stress that is not only beneficial for your digestive system, but for your general health. So remember to do physical exercises, breathing, yoga, or meditation.


4 – “Pear” shaped belly
This form applies to people who have a fairly slender waist, the larger hips. This is due to an accumulation of fat in the abdomen, buttocks, hips and thighs. In women, more present in women than in men, it is usually due to hormonal disorders or diseases such as endometriosis.

Solution: Consult your gynecologist to identify and treat hormonal disorders or diseases and avoid foods known for their ability to increase estrogen levels in the body.


5 – Thyroid
Another cause of the accumulation of fat in the body, especially the abdomen, is the thyroid gland. Indeed, deregulation of hormones- hypothyroidism – can lead to weight gain and recurrent digestive problems such as constipation and bloating.


Solution: Consult a doctor for proper treatment, and adopt a balanced diet that favors low-calorie foods (fruits, vegetables, quinoa, rice, etc.) and high content of iodine (seafood …).


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