Things To Remember For A Good Intimate Hygiene


Things To Remember For A Good Intimate Hygiene

Both males and females need to practice good intimate hygiene. However, given how many illnesses and infections women are now at risk for, it has become a necessary part of their daily health routine. The itchiness or the type of vaginal odor that it gives off can help one understand the condition down there.

But these also depend on additional elements like menstrual cycles or sexual activity. The following are some considerations to bear in mind when caring for a woman's private areas:



First and foremost, it is necessary to wash it properly and regularly down there. Washing the vagina everyday might also reduce the odor to some extent for the place is being cleaned on a regular basis. Even if one is unable to take a shower on a particular day due to some reason, do not forget to clean the vaginal area.

Also, if you are engaged in physical activity sessions like exercise or yoga; do not forget to take a shower after each session in order to prevent the sweat from accumulating on the skin and vagina. Using a cleanser that has some flowery or fruity smell is a big NO. A normal cleanser which is not aromatic can be used instead.

Aromatic cleansers have certain chemical compositions which might disturb the Ph level of the vagina. Also, one is supposed to clean just the external part and not the inner layers of the skin which are sensitive.



Wet wipes for intimate parts are made to serve the purpose of cleaning the vagina. The cleaning should be done in a one-way process from front to back every time. Do not use a dry cloth to wipe the area as it might cause rashes or blisters in the delicate place.



Vaginal cleaning ought not to be done by wipes or other combinations that aren’t recommended for the vagina. Use water-based products to clean it instead of going for some fancy combination of chemicals that may be readily available. Use light cotton cloth as panties to make the area breathable.

Do not use synthetic or other heavy cloth. Also, remember to change them regularly. If you are using tampons, make sure to remove it properly and do not hurry while doing so. If you try to take it out hastily, there might be chances of it breaking a little and remaining back in the vagina and thus, causing a bigger infection. The same applies to a broken, leftover condom as well.

Not taking sufficient care of the vagina can lead to bacterial infection or even hormonal infections that might tend to give a bad odor to the vagina. In case you realize that there is something unnatural about the smell, consult a doctor. Burning sensations, itchiness, or formation of small lumps around the area should be an alarm to rush to a doctor for immediate medical aid.


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