8 Acne Myths You Shouldn't Believe

8 Acne Myths You Shouldn't Believe

Don't we all long for flawless skin? But not all of us are so fortunate. Some of us experience acne outbreaks as adults as well as teenagers. While most of the time these attacks go away on their own, occasionally they get worse and may leave us with facial scars that affect not only our appearance but also our personalities. Just because they have acne, many children struggle with severe issues with their self-esteem. And while this may appear to be a very conceited obsession with appearance, it's important to keep in mind that teenagers are constantly attempting to find their place in the world and blend in. And having acne doesn't help. Teenagers can be extremely cruel; let's face it. Even if you don't have acne, teenage bullies may target you if you have a different body type, hairstyle, or even facial features! As a result, sometimes adults as well as teenagers have a tendency to believe anything that is said about acne and how to treat it. Here are some common misconceptions about acne:

1. What You Eat Has Nothing To Do With Your Face

This is probably the biggest myth associated with skin care. What you eat has a direct correlation with the condition of your skin. If you eat oily and deep fried food, your skin will be oily and prone to acne. While it is a good idea to include a lot of leafy greens, fresh fruits and salads in your diet, it has no effect on your facial skin in particular.

2. Cigarettes Cause Acne Attacks.

While smoking is in itself not a healthy habit and is responsible for a lot of diseases including lung cancer, it is safe to presume that it doesn’t cause an acne attack. It may delay the healing process or make it worse, but it definitely does not cause it.

3. Wearing Make-Up Causes Acne.

The next time your mother says that your pimple outbreak is because of the makeup that you are using, please show her this article! Makeup doesn’t necessarily cause acne. Wearing the wrong kind for your skin might. So all you have to do is find a brand that suits your skin type. Try and avoid brands that use alcohol and oil because these two things are what cause acne.

4. Staying In The Sun Will Get Rid Of Acne.

This is a really unusual myth and we can’t for the love of god imagine how this became a thing. Sunbathing has many benefits, but getting rid of acne is not one of them. Also, you must always exercise caution while being out in the sun. Always use a sunscreen with a good SPF balance to protect yourself from the harmful effects of UV rays.

5. Stress Can Cause Pimples.

There are many disorders connected to stress but acne isn’t one of them. Stress may delay the healing of acne but doesn’t cause it.

6. Washing Face Often Helps Get Rid Of Acne.

This is perhaps the most common misconception about acne. Washing your face too often is actually harmful for your skin. Too much washing dries up the skin of your face. This actually might cause irritation and make the condition worse. It is recommended that you wash your face twice a day preferably with a sulfate free soap. Also, never rub your face dry, but always pat it dry using a towel.

7. Toothpaste Clears Acne.

This misconception has been fueled further by many “life hacks” lists which feature this point. Yes, applying toothpaste to a pimple will dry it up, but it has a lot of chemicals which might have an adverse effect on your face skin. It is better to use products which have been made specifically for fighting pimples.

8. Popping The Pimple Will Make It Go Away.

This is the most untrue one of them all! Popping a pimple will not make it go away. In fact, it will leave ugly scars on your face and make it worse. The best thing to do is to wait for the pimple to reduce by itself. However, if you do absolutely need to pop that pimple, make sure you wash your hands properly before touching your face and also wash your face later. Because if germs from your hands get transferred to your face, it will obviously cause more pimples and will make your acne worse than ever.

Do you know anyone who is suffering from self-esteem issues because of acne problems? Or know anyone who is probably making it worse for themselves by trying all kinds of random things and experimenting wildly? Share this article with them and let them know what is true and what isn’t. Also, if there are any other myths related to acne that you are aware of, let us know in the comments!

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