Unveiling the Health Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice

Unveiling the Health Benefits of Papaya Leaf Juice


The advantages of papaya fruit are well known, but those of papaya leaf are less well known. You won't believe how much more beneficial papaya leaves are. It gained popularity after being used to treat dengue fever. By raising platelet counts, it is a very effective way of treating dengue fever. However, researchers now know that it has a number of health advantages. During the rainy season, dengue fever cases significantly increase. Without receiving treatment, the majority of patients pass away. Dengue fever can be treated and kept under control with papaya leaf juice, which is an easy and affordable remedy.


To make the papaya leaf juice You must first locate medium-sized, clean, and washed papaya leaves. They should be cut and placed in two liters of water. Boil the leaves until only half of the water remains. Finally, strain it and put it in a glass. An alternative method would be to crush and squeeze the papaya leaves to remove the stem and fiber.

Because it passes through breast milk to the unborn child and causes abortions, papaya leaf juice is contraindicated for nursing mothers and pregnant women. It should also not be used in conjunction with thyroid stimulants.



Cure Cancer – The milky sap that contains the leaves help to prevent and kill cancer cells through acetogenin that it contain. There is lots of evidence that who got cure from this big disaster “cancer” from papaya leaves. It is very effective for prostate, breast, liver and lung cancers. In modern world most of the people using papaya leaf tea as cancer cure agent.

Prevent Heart Burn – Papaya leaves contain lots of papain, protease enzymes, amylase enzymes that help to digest carbohydrate, protein. This will help to prevent acid reflux. It contains karpain which help to kill bacteria. So it’s preventing gastric ulcer and Inflammatory Bowel disease.

For Acne – Papaya leaves blend and add water to make a paste. Use as a mask it will help you to prevent acne.

Increase Platelet Count – It helps to increase platelet count and for thrombocytopenia. So Papaya leafs can be used for dengue fever and other clotting diseases.

Prostate Enlargement – Help for the benign prostate cancer.

Reduce Skin Problems – Help to prevent fungal Infections, warts and scars. Leaves contain high content of vitamin A and C. This will help to promote skin health. Act as skin cleansing agent.

There are lots more benefits from papaya leaves like, Reduce menstrual pain, Increase appetite, cataracts, Emphysema, Immune booster, Anti-aging property, for malaria and also for the hair treatment.



Papaya contains papain. It helps to prevent breakdown protein, carbohydrate and fat. so it works as meat tenderizer. It also has chemical compound called carpain. It helps to kill bacteria.


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