The Most Important Reason to Add Pineapple to Your Morning Lemon Water

The Most Important Reason to Add Pineapple to Your Morning Lemon Water


For many individuals, drinking lemon water first thing in the morning has become customary. The healthiest way to start the day is unquestionably this.

But did you know that by boosting the alkaline strength of your lemon water with only one more item, it can become healthier?

We're referring to a pineapple. This tropical plant offers a variety of health advantages and is rich in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

Since our body's pH levels are largely responsible for how it functions, any imbalance in the pH of the body can result in a variety of health issues. The fundamental reason why keeping an acid-alkaline balance is crucial is due to this.

The process of becoming more alkaline can be sped up by mixing lemon water with pineapple juice. They might produce an alkaline environment in the body due to their high mineral content. Your health can be improved on many levels if you regularly consume this incredibly healthy beverage.

You just need to add 2 chunks of pineapple and a 50 oz pinneaple juice in your lemon water. That’s all.

Today we will present you 20 reasons why you should add lemon and pineapple to your water:

1. Cancer Prevention

It is scientifically proven that cancerous cells can’t thrive in an alkaline environment. The combination of lemon water and pineapple juice has an alkaline nature which can protect you from cancer.

2. Toothache and Gingivitis Treatment

A lot of people who add pineapple to their lemon water claim that this powerful combination helped them in relieving the toothaches.

3. Weight Loss

Lemons contain pectin which has the ability to create an alkaline environment in the body and reduce cravings. Some studies showed that people who have an alkaline diet are more likely to lose weight faster than those who don’t include alkaline food in their diet.

4. Joint Pain Relief

Combining lemon water with pineapple juice will help you to relieve your joint and muscle pain.

5. Hydration

Lemons have high electrolyte content such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, and are able to provide hydration to the organism.

6. Improvement of Digestion

Lemons contain citric acid which reacts with other acids and enzymes in the body. This amazing beverage can promote the secretion of gastric acid and improve digestion.

7. Enzyme Production

Lemon water can stimulate the liver to produce enzymes more than any other beverage or food.

8. Liver Detoxification

Lemon juice is a great liver cleanser and can stimulate liver detoxification.

9. Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections

This amazing beverage can fight various infections, sore throat, and inflammation of the tonsils due to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

10. Bowel Movement Regulation

Lemon water combined with pineapple juice can improve the bowel movements.

11. Metabolism Boost

This combination can boost your metabolism, and the antioxidants found in lemons can improve the function of the immune system and fight free radicals.

12. Nervous System Function

Lemons have rich potassium content, which makes this combination great for the nervous system. Our nervous system requires a sufficient amount of potassium in order to function properly, so a deficiency of this mineral can cause health issues including anxiety and depression.

13. Blood Cleanser

This powerful combination is an amazing blood cleanser. It has the ability to cleanse your arteries, blood vessels, and blood in general.

14. Reduction of Blood Pressure

Lemon water and pineapple juice are extremely effective for treating high blood pressure. The regular consumption of this drink can help you to lower your blood pressure by 10%.

15. Body Alkalinity

It can help alkalize the body, and maintain the pH levels, thus improving the ability of the body to fight various health issues.

16. Pregnancy

Lemons are abundant with vitamin C which can help our organism to fight numerous viruses and colds. Additionally, vitamin C can stimulate the formation of bone tissue of the baby while the potassium content of the lemons can stimulate the formation of the brain and nervous system.

17. Skin Rejuvenation

Lemons are known for its skin benefits. They have a high content of vitamin C which has the ability to maintain your skin youthful. Consume lemon water regularly so you can improve the quality and look of your skin.

18. Heartburn Relief

You should add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to half a glass of water in order to relieve heartburn naturally.

19. Uric Acid Dilution

Lemon and pineapple water can dilute uric acid, the main cause of joint and gout pain.

20. Kidney Stones Removal

Combining lemon water with pineapple juice can dissolve kidney stones, pancreatic stones, calcium deposits, and gallstones.


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