The Hidden Side of a Fruit Claimed to be 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo

The Hidden Side of a Fruit Claimed to be 10,000 Times Stronger Than Chemo


Nowadays, the media has a big impact on everyone, and a strategically placed health graphic may spark a revolution.Recently, Graviola, the super tree, as well as its health benefits, have received a lot of attention and acclaim online. It has been revealed that this fruit or herb from the Amazon rainforest prevents cancer.

This fruit is also known as soursop, and it has been said to be 10,000 times more effective than chemotherapy at eradicating cancer cells, one of the diseases with the highest mortality rates.

We'd like to share with you a video about some fascinating findings from a Purdue University study that has also gained a lot of popularity. Graviola possesses anti-cancerous properties, according to the research findings, which explains why the video has been viewed more than 100,000 times.


Health Benefits of Graviola May Include Antioxidants, Immune Support and More

Nearly 15 to 30 feet tall and extremely nutrient-rich is the graviola tree. In the Amazon River basin in South America, it grows.

It has a custard-like consistency and a melon-like appearance. The bark and leaves of this tree, however, are the parts that are most advantageous, which is significant information that is infrequently stated. The Amazonian indigenous have been making tea with them for a long time. These folks have used this tea to treat a wide range of medical issues, including parasites, rheumatoid arthritis, and liver disease.

The government and its agencies do not recognize the amazing anti-cancer features of Graviola, but there are numerous proofs which show that this plant can be very useful for protection and preservation of people’s health.


These health benefits include:

  • -help in draining the lymphatic system
  • -support of the general immune system
  • -stimulation of the blood circulation in your body
  • -it is rich in antioxidant compounds and offers a protection against aging


The FDA has only acknowledged the graviola tree's immune system-boosting properties; its anti-cancer ones have not. Even worse, the government agencies have threatened to prosecute websites that post information regarding Graviola's anti-cancerous properties if they continue to do so.

People continue to utilize this plant and use it to treat cancer despite FDA's opposition. The assertion of Graviola's anti-cancerous benefits is supported by several research as well as human usage as well as other empirical data. Why there haven't been any long-term studies conducted up to this point is unclear, though.


Graviola and Anti-Cancer Studies

The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at Purdue University conducted the largest and most thorough study on the anti-cancer capabilities of Graviola, focusing on compounds known as annonaceous acetogenins, which are found in the tree.

Since this study covered other plants, such as pawpaw, which is much richer in anti-cancerous chemicals than Graviola, millions of dollars were spent on it. The study's findings were encouraging because they showed that these chemicals had a good ability to stop the proliferation of cancer cells while having no negative effects on healthy cells. These Graviola components have also been shown to be highly effective against cancer cells that are resistant to treatment.

FDA and those who do not recognize the anti-cancerous effects of Graviola say that these studies were done in test tubes, in laboratories, and not on actual people and do not recognize these results.

The bad thing is that really there are not actual studies done on humans with cancer and other medical conditions and on the way it treats them.

Graviola is a rather strong natural remedy and thus you need to consult your doctor first if you want to use it.


Where to Buy an Organic Graviola Supplement

First off, let us reiterate that this information is merely informative and should not be taken as medical advice.

It is undeniable that graviola offers many health advantages, and as it has long been utilized in conventional natural medicine, it needs to be included in future studies.

If you decide to use Graviola, you should speak with a naturopathic physician who has experience using it to treat patients.

The graviola trees that are cultivated and harvested in their native, natural surroundings are of the best quality and offer the most advantages.


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