How To Use Onion To Reduce Weight

How To Use Onion To Reduce Weight


People focus more on their appearance than anything else these days. It goes without saying that no matter how talented and intelligent we are, without attractiveness, the aforementioned advantages won't be highlighted. Even though there are numerous ways to lose weight, it is up to each individual to decide how they want to do it. 

People choose a method of losing weight based on their interests and the lifestyle they lead. Few weight loss plans call for depriving oneself of food, which is never acceptable. No medical professional will advise a patient to deprive themselves of food. Other methods of losing weight include exercising, yoga, fruit and vegetable diets, and going to the gym. All I mentioned are regular diets to reduce weight.  

But, today I am going to discuss with you a new diet, which will promote good and healthy weight loss. 

A common issue that many people experience is weight gain. Most of the time, our unhealthy lifestyle choices are the cause of weight gain. We can never walk in healthy lanes because of our lifetime commitment to zero maintenance. So, let's adopt a new policy that will enable us to navigate the pathways of a healthy lifestyle.


Let us know the miracles that onion does and do in reducing weight.

Onion is rich in fiber, nutrients and an antioxidants called quercetin, which are used in weight reduction.    Onions are regularly used in Indian cuisines.  They give a good flavor to the dishes.  They are named for their low calorie weight they have.

Calorie Burn

Quercetin, which is an antioxidant is used to increase the energy expenditure in our body.  As we know that weight loss is nothing but burning the extra stored calories, quercetin is used to burn the calories thereby promote weight loss.  It is also recommended not to take more amounts of quercetin, as overdose of it will sidetrack the original results.  There is also a point to be noted here, as I already mentioned afore that quercetin will increase the body expenditure, it decreases the benefit of it over time if it is used continuously.  These type of antioxidants are also found in apples, tea, citrus fruits and red wine.


Flavor of Onion

Most of the Indian cuisines, especially non-veg items are tasteless without onion.  It adds a great flavor to the food.  As onion is low in calorie, it is used in many Indian cuisines.  Following few simple tips will not only help you decrease your weight, but also you can take high amounts of low calorie food.  You can add more onions to the dish so as to make it tasty as well as it makes you feel full because of the excess amount of onion present in the dish you made.  Depending on the size of the onion the calories in it differ.  A medium sized onion has 44 calories in it.


Fiber is something that takes more time to digest compared to other food items.  Fiber has a added advantage that makes you feel full even if the food taken is in small quantities.  So, automatically it stops you from taking more food.  Fiber also helps in controlling levels of blood sugar.  It will help you reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.  A medium onion has 1.9 g fiber.  The quercetin present in onions helps in increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterollevels which helps in increasing the overall health.


Onion is used in a lot of Indian cuisines.  It is eaten in raw form or people eat it in cooked form.  It is used in pickles preparation and chutneys.  It is added mainly for its taste.  It is rich in many medicinal values.  It has anti-inflammatory, anticancer and anti-oxidizing properties which promotes good health.


Weight loss with Onion

Onion works wonders in reducing weight.  When it comes to obesity it can be said that we are all in the same boat.  Almost all the world is facing the problem of obesity.  It has many side effects too.  Even though there are many ways to get rid of it, it is getting worse with the time.  The unhealthy lifestyle, our food habits, lack of workouts, all these unnecessary blah blahs are leading us to a wrong path which  drives us towards short span living.  First of all let us first remember this maxim together.  “Better late then never”.  Now, let us understand the depth of the maxim.  It is never late to start the work.  So, it is never late to choose the path that will drive you in obesity free lanes.


Here, we are using onion for our weight loss regimen.  Onion helps in increasing the metabolism in our body.  Metabolism is nothing but the rate at which the food is digested.  If the metabolism or metabolic rate is affected, it will lead to many healty issues.  Onion along with containing many nutrients and fibers in it, it also contains essential oils and minerals in it.  These helps in speeding up the metabolism process and thereby promotes weight loss.


Onions can be taken in many forms in order to reduce weight.  Let us see some of the recepies that we can prepare to make onions more tasty and healthy to reduce our weights.


Make a juice with Onion:

Onions  juice will work a great deal when it comes to weight loss.  Let us see what is the procedure for making it.


  • Take a fresh onion and remove the outerlayer of it.
  • Cut it into two halfs and place them in a bowl of water and boil it for about 10 minutes.
  • Blend the boiled onions in a mixer by adding 2 cups of water into it.
  • Ta-da the onion juice is ready for you to drink.


Onions are boiled inorder to reduce the deep taste in it.


Try some onion soup:

Onion soup helps in reducing the extra fat that is stored in the form of fat in our body.  Regular intake of onion soup will help you reduce those extra pound that you gained.


  • Take 4 to 5 large onions, 2 to 3 green peppers, 4 big ripe tomatoes and 1 cabbage.
  • Clean all those ingredients with water and slice them into small pieces.
  • Boil all the vegetables until they leave their raw form and get cooked. It will turn into a soup.
  • Add enough salt to the soup to make it tasty.

These are the few types of recepies with onion that make you lose your weight.  Hope you enjoyed reading our article.  Make sure to use the onions in our kitchen to fight back obesity


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