Here’s How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenail Without Surgery

Here’s How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Toenail Without Surgery


An ingrown toenail is a chronic condition that manifests as the development of one or both nail sides under the skin. Ingrown toenails can advance for a variety of causes.

The good news is that this issue can be solved using a variety of traditional and surgical techniques. Additionally, people can resolve this issue in their homes if they wish to avoid the pricey and difficult therapy at a medical center. Only in the early stages, when there aren't any indications of difficulties, is this conceivable.


How to get rid of ingrown toenail without surgery

The first thing you need to do is prepare a hot bath in order to soften your skin and nails.

Five liters of water should contain three tablespoons of baking soda; salt is also a good idea. The water's temperature shouldn't exceed 37 C. Remove the ingrown nail after the bath is finished.

Additionally, you can use a sticking plaster and apply it on the area where you’ve noticed the ingrown toenail. This action will ease the process. In this way, your toenail will become more accessible.

Place a small amount of cotton between the nail and skin and use tweezers to slightly raise your nail at its end. Use antibacterial cream (iodine) on the cotton before you place it on the affected area.

Wait for 24 hours before you change the wrapper and cotton. Do this technique for 15 days. Your nail must get back to its ordinary condition after this cycle.

In case you find it hard to apply the cotton in this area, use a mixture based on garlic and honey (one tablespoon of raw honey and one ground garlic clove) or aloe vera on the affected area. This cream has powerful antiseptic properties.

It is crucial to understand that the most important part of this method is the softening of the skin and changing the cotton used in the procedure on a daily basis. Scrape the outer part of the nail when you are finished with the procedure.

Remember to perform pedicures on a regular basis in the future. If you detect an infection on the nail and pus, consult your doctor as soon as possible.


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