Eliminate Bad Breath, Plaque, and Tartar with this One Ingredient!

Eliminate Bad Breath, Plaque, and Tartar with this One Ingredient!

Oil pulling, also known as "gundusha" or "kavala," is a traditional Ayurvedic dental practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil around in the mouth for 15 to 20 minutes on an empty stomach.

It will help remove toxins from the body and enhance both oral and general health. Additionally, it works wonders for simultaneously detoxifying the teeth and gums and whitening the teeth.

The majority of those who have used this technique assert that it is effective in treating skin conditions, infections, infections, arthritis, asthma, headaches, and hormonal imbalances.


How to perform the technique?

It is a very simple method. Just put a couple teaspoons of vegetable oil (coconut, sesame, olive oil) in your mouth and swish it for 20 minutes. After you spit it out, rinse your mouth with water.

For best results, perform the procedure every morning on an empty stomach or in the evening just before bed.



Put 1-2 teaspoons of the vegetable oil you will choose, in the mouth and swish for 20 minutes. The oil will become milky and thicker during the swishing, and when you spit it out it will be creamy white.

Wash your mouth with warm water and brush the teeth as you usually do.

At first, maybe it will be a bit difficult for you, but after a few minutes, you will get used to it. Repeat the procedure regularly and after just one week your teeth will be whiter and brighter.


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