Cleansing Aloe Vera Juice For Strengthening The Immunity And Cleansing The Body

Cleansing Aloe Vera Juice For Strengthening The Immunity And Cleansing The Body

With coconut water, cucumber, and three of the most potent natural digestive aids—lemon, pineapple, and aloe vera—this juice is incredibly hydrating. A fantastic juice for hydration and improving digestion!

Aloe vera is regarded as a food that promotes rapid healing and eternal youth. One of its best-known effects is the ability to reduce acute inflammation. Aloe Vera gel is rich in enzymes, minerals, anti-microbials, and amino acids, which promote healthy digestion, lessen inflammation, and soothe and cleanse the body.


Cucumbers are fantastic for cleansing our bodies. The skins of cucumbers are high in silicon although are often grown with pesticides and waxed in stores so it is best to choose organic. They are a natural diuretic, reduces inflammation, relieves stomach acid and provides soothing cleansing effect.



  • 2-3 leaves of Aloe Vera
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 small cucumber
  • ½ lemon (skin on if organic)
  • ¼ small pineapple



Prepare all ingredients ready to juice.
To prepare Aloe Vera, slit one of the edges with a sharp knife and open up the outer layer. Scoop out the gel and discard the outer layer.
Put all ingredients through the juicer or blender.
Drink straight away.


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