Best 15 Yoga Poses For Glowing Skin

Best 15 Yoga Poses For Glowing Skin

Your skin is a reflection of your inner health, including your physical and mental well-being. Your natural glow can be stolen by a number of factors, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and junk food, which can dull and dry it. It can also be impacted by additional factors like hormonal changes and a slow metabolism. Acne and pimples cause the skin to become duller, leave open, wide pores, and leave unsightly scars.

Many people choose pricey skin care products to treat their skin issues, losing both money and hope in the process. First things first: if your physical and mental health are good, it will show on your skin. As a result, you should focus on maintaining good overall health and achieving balance between your body and mind.


Yoga is a natural way to relieve stress and calm the mind and body. It acts on your health inside and out and gives you glowing and radiant skin. If you’re healthy from the inside, your skin looks glowing.


These are the 12 best yoga poses for glowing skin:

Let’s try out some yoga poses for glowing skin, that can certainly help you in gaining the glow and shine you always wanted.


Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

This yoga pose is for relaxing. It helps to decrease tension, stress, and fatigue. It also promotes skin rejuvenation by giving skin cells more oxygen, which in turn helps to eliminate the body toxins that have built up.

This posture eases tension in the shoulders and back, relaxes you and elevates your mood, and makes your skin smooth.


Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

It involves a strong back bend that opens up the rib cage and expands the lung capacity to allow for higher oxygen intake. This pose eliminates stress and balance hormones in the body that trigger acne and pimple outbursts. 

Wind-Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

The wind-Relieving pose, also called Pavanamuktasana, is a wind-relieving pose that improves your digestion and also relieves it. This pose cures constipation which may cause acne and pimples on the face. So, it is one of the best healthy and glowing skin yoga poses.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

This pose is a good facial yoga exercise for glowing skinIt acts effectively in giving you a glowing complexion. Regularly performing this pose helps by applying intense pressure to the abdomen, this in turn aids in the body’s detoxification. 

This yoga pose increases circulation in the face and pelvic region, releases stress from the abdomen and strengthens it. If you practise it regularly, it strengthens the reproductive organs. This asana is also better for releasing indigestion and constipation.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Fish pose is also recommended for glowing skin. It is a back-bending pose that you can do easily even as a beginner. Fish pose is one of the best yoga techniques to get fresh and toned skin. It improves blood circulation in the head region.

Plough Pose (Halasana)

This yoga technique is very effective in enhancing the overall blood circulation of the body. It gives a sensation of smoothness and keeps you in a relaxed state of mind making it a perfect pose of yoga for skin care. This pose is also good for improving sleep and treating insomnia. Poor sleep is one of the main causes of bad skin conditions. The benefits of this asana are reflected on your skin.

Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

Shoulder stand or Sarvangasana is an excellent yoga pose for glowing skin and has amazing benefits for your skin. It promotes skin nourishment and glow. This asana is an intermediate-level facial yoga exercise for glowing skin. Performing this pose is not difficult, regular practice helps in enhancing blood circulation to the facial region, which helps in tackling skin conditions like facial dullness, acne and wrinkles.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

Practice this yoga pose for glowing skin. The Triangle pose, also known as the stance with three points, is well-known for opening the chest, lungs, and heart. It is the best yoga pose for radiant skin. It offers more oxygen to the skin, and consequently, the skin feels refreshed and rejuvenated.

Bellows Breath (Bhastrika Pranayama)

Bhastrika Pranayama is a yoga pose that promotes healthy skin. By improving the oxygen supply to the skin and expelling toxins that have built up in the blood, this Pranayama aids in getting healthy, beautiful skin. It is the best breathing yoga exercise for glowing skin.

Twisted Seated Pose (Bharadvajasana)

It is one of the best yoga poses that shapes your body and postural awareness. Additionally, it makes the digestive tract easier to flow through, promoting healthy digestion. This procedure aids in the removal of harmful toxins from your body, revealing healthy and radiant skin. 

Headstand Pose (Sirsasana)

Sirsasana is one of the top yoga poses for glowing skin because it directs oxygen-rich flow to the facial skin. So, it is a perfect yoga pose for face blood circulation. This yoga pose improves your skin texture and the quality of your skin. 

Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

If you’re looking for skin complexion improvement, practice this yoga to achieve glowing and whitening skin. It is an exceptional solution for it. Your face and head will receive more blood in this stance, giving you a lovely glow.

The hamstrings, calves, and Achilles tendon are stretched and widened during the downward dog position. Your head is lower than your heart when you’re a downward dog, which has the advantages of inversions and enhances blood circulation throughout your body.

Stretching and releasing tension from the neck and back are both benefits of a downward dog. 

Balloon Pose

According to yoga enthusiasts, it is a bedtime yoga pose for glowing skin because it stretches the muscles in the face. This is the face muscles’ preferred posture. You can practice it at bedtime.

Similar to that, these everyday yoga positions improve blood circulation effectively for beautiful skin.


Face Tapping Pose

The face tapping pose is another excellent yoga pose for glowing and clear skin. It helps to prevent skin aging and wrinkles (fine lines). It stimulates blood circulation, giving your skin a flushed and natural glow.

Tapping is a facial relaxing method that enhances lymph flow and blood circulation to reduce wrinkles. This easy method is something you can practice at home. 

Make a Fish Face

Fish face pose is also bedtime yoga for glowing skin that you can add to your daily routine and perform quickly. You don’t need much time for practicing this pose.

For this stance, you’ll have to mimic it. Bring your lips’ edges and cheeks inward. Try to smile while maintaining this expression. Your cheeks and jaw will start to stretch. Relax, and then repeat eight times.

This yoga pose helps in toning the jawline and chin by stretching the neck region.

The skin is the largest part of your body. It is the outer layer preventing you from many diseases and works as a shield. It faces both environmental effects and weather effects. Therefore, your skin loses its natural glow over time and you need to maintain it regularly with good and nutritious food, a healthy lifestyle, and reduce your stress level by practicing some yogic form of exercise. These 15 yoga poses not only help in keeping a healthy mind and body but also give you glowing and wrinkle-free skin.

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