8 Alternative Remedies for Sciatica Pain You Need to Know About

8 Alternative Remedies for Sciatica Pain You Need to Know About


The sciatic nerve, which originates from the lower spine and extends to the foot, is the largest nerve in the body. It is a crucial component of our body that gives our legs their strength, sensation, and mobility.

Since sciatica pain frequently affects people and presents as pain and tingling in the lower limbs, it is frequently mistaken for cramps or lower back discomfort. The discomfort typically causes severe, stinging pain in one side of the body, though it can also induce numbness and a slight ache. People who are in constant pain end up bedridden and dependent on over-the-counter medications. Studies show that 40% of people worldwide will develop sciatica pain at some point in their lives. Luckily for you, we have 8 great ways that willget rid ofyour sciatica pain forever.



Acupuncture is an alternative treatment which relies on sticking needles at certain points in the body in order to improve their function and boost the energy levels. This therapy provides results after only one treatment and is very effective for sciatica pain.

Chiropractic adjustments

According to research, chiropractic treatments can treat sciatica pain and reduce the inflammation, allowing you to move again freely.

Ice packs

A simple package of frozen berries wrapped in a towel and applied on the painful spot can relieve the pain in a couple of hours.

Alternating temperature treatment

Ice packs work well, but they don’t treat the deeper tissues and the inflammation, which is why you should apply a hot pack after the cold one. The alternating temperatures will improve your circulation and lymph flow which will treat the inflammation and accelerate the healing. For best results, massage the painful spot with essential oils or add Epsom salts in your bath.

Mild yoga stretches

Even though movement may be painful, you need to remain active to accelerate your healing. Practice some yoga stretches or gentle back stretches to improve your mobility and blood flow.


Deep massages or trigger-point therapy can relieve the pain and numbness in your toes and legs. Using herb-infused oils during the massage will further improve its effect.

Herbs and oils

Many herbs and oils can reduce the inflammation and pain and can be taken in the form of pills and liniments. You can also use them in tinctures, essential oils and teas, but you need to consult your doctor before taking them in order to see if they interfere with medications you might be taking. Here are the most powerful herbs against sciatica pain:

Turmeric or curcumin (mix it with black pepper in order to increase its bioavailability)

  • Roman chamomile
  • Devil’s claw
  • Milky oat tops
  • White willow bark
  • Mullein root
  • Clary Sage
  • Lavender
  • Licorice
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Skullcap
  • Jamaican dogwood
  • Linden flower
  • Kratom
  • Arnica
  • Sleep

That’s right, proper sleep will relax your muscles and body, eventually strengthening the nerves as well.

Although science has not confirmed all the methods, people have had great results with them. However, if the pain continues for more than a week, you should see a professional which will determined the problem and prescribed the appropriate therapy.


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