7 Reasons Why you should not sleep with Wet Hair

7 Reasons Why you should not sleep with Wet Hair


Going to bed with wet hair is a common habit for many people. It can seem like a convenient way to save time and effort, especially after a long day. However, what many people don't realize is that sleeping with wet hair can have negative effects on both their hair and health. In fact, there are several reasons why you should avoid sleeping with wet hair altogether. In this article, we'll explore seven compelling reasons why you should skip this habit and opt for a more hair-friendly nighttime routine.


7 Reasons why you should not sleep with wet hair?


1. Catch a Cold

Yes, the number 1 reason you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair is that you might catch a cold. Basically, when you sleep your body temperature gets dropped. In such a case, if you’re sleeping with wet hair, your body temperature falls down to a great extent. Consequently, you would wake up with either a runny nose or a headache. Sometimes, there are also chances for cold sores or blisters to appear. So, heads up! don’t try to sleep with a wet hair.


2. Breaks your hair

It’s no surprise! Wet hair is weaker a hundredfold then dry hair. The outer layers of your hair protect and nourish your hair by retaining the moisture. When your hair is wet, it’s more likely to break off since it gets too thin. In such conditions, when you sleep by tossing and turning your hair it can be damaged easily. This happens because of the friction applied on hair which makes it break easily. Also, the water from the hair evaporates continuously making the scalp to cool down. This weakens the hair and leads to hair loss, itchiness and inflammation.


3. Dandruff gets bigger

When you sleep with wet hair all through the night, the prolonged dampness will multiply the bacteria and fungi on your scalp and pillow. Eventually, the bacteria or fungi will cause wreck havoc to your hair by weakening the hair follicles and causing hair fall. Warmth, moist and darkness are relished by fungi and bacteria. So, if you’re hitting the hay with a damp and moist hair it’s likely to sprout up fungi.


4. Losses the shine

Your hair gets the shine and glossy texture because of the natural oils present on the scalp. Therefore, when you place your head with wet hair on the pillowcase, it absorbs all the moisture and natural oils away from your scalp. This leads to hair dryness, dehydration and dullness.


5. Acne sprouts

Yes, it’s a strange truth. The prolonged dampness will result in the formation of scalp ringworms which is a type of fungi. Like said, when you hit the hay with damp hair, it causes such deadly fungi to multiply on your scalp and pillow. This bacteria will not only damage your hair but also your face when it’s facing the moist pillow. Such deadly creatures break out your skin causing acne.


6. Prone to diseases

Shockingly, sleeping with wet hair will make your hair prone to diseases because the prolonged moisture can inflame the scalp, causes an itchy feeling and weakens your immune system. This also damages the mane by increasing porosity of the hair surface. A headache, infections, muscle cramps, hair breakage, sticky hair and dandruff are the most common problems you’ll be facing as the bacteria sprouts up.


7. Hair disasters and tangles

Usually, wet hair tangles more than a dry hair. As you roll on your bed, hair tangles and leads to knots. And most of the people don’t have the tendency to comb their hair straight after a head bath with a fear of losing hair. But this leads to morning hair disasters. In the morning, it seriously takes a lot of time to comb your hair and you must spend a lot of time to either re-style or soften. So, run a wide-tooth comb or perhaps your fingers to ensure that your hair doesn’t tangle.


Some Expert tips to take care of your hair after washing

  • You must towel- dry your hair at least for 10 minutes as soon as you finish showering
  • If you’re in a hurry to hit the bed, at the minimum, blow dry for 5 minutes
  • Try to wash your hair at least quite a while before jumping into the bed
  • If you’re in a rush to sleep, apply a leave-in conditioner which seals the hair moisture
  • Sleep on a silk pillowcase to reduce friction while tossing and turning your head. A silk pillowcase can reduce the chances of hair breakage.
  • Get a water-proof pillowcase if you want to sleep with wet hair. These water-proof pillowcases will absorb water and do not produce fungi or bacteria.
  • Never sleep with wet hair wrapped in a towel. This can lead to severe headaches.

Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t sleep with wet hair. Follow these tips not only when you wash your hair but also to maintain healthy hair.

Over to you!

Did you ever sleep with wet hair? If so, what’s your experience? Let us know by commenting down below.

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