6 Plants That Will Cause Breasts Growth Without Surgery!

6 Plants That Will Cause Breasts Growth Without Surgery!

Breast size is a sensitive issue for many women. While some women are comfortable with their breast size, others may feel insecure or dissatisfied. Breast augmentation surgery is an option for women who want to increase their breast size, but it can be expensive, risky, and may not always give the desired results. However, there are some plants that are believed to naturally increase breast size without the need for surgery. In this article, we will discuss 6 plants that are believed to promote breast growth.

Saw Palmetto 

Saw Palmetto is a plant that is commonly used to promote prostate health in men. However, it is also believed to have a similar effect on breast tissue in women. Saw Palmetto contains phytoestrogens and is believed to stimulate breast tissue growth. Saw Palmetto can be taken in supplement form.



Fennel is another herb that contains phytoestrogens. It has been used for centuries to promote breast milk production and is also believed to stimulate breast tissue growth. Fennel can be brewed into a tea or taken in supplement form.


Red Clover
This common plant is found across the U.S. and the U.K. Supplements made from this plant can help to increase breast size. It is beneficial because it contains four separate phytoestrogens that can act as estrogen in the body. The specific phytoestrogens found in red clover bind to estradiol receptors that are responsible for the development of breast tissue.


Wild Yam 

Wild Yam is a plant that contains diosgenin, a compound that is believed to stimulate breast tissue growth. Wild Yam can be taken in supplement form or used topically as a cream.


Black Cohosh
This herb is known for its ability to help women with menopausal symptoms and for increasing estrogen levels. The extra estrogen activity can increase breast size. It can also induce labor, so it should never be used by pregnant women. Black cohosh is typically sold in a liquid extract that can be massaged directly into the skin.


Most commonly known as an ingredient in beer, hops are another phytoestrogen. This easy to find plant contains what is considered to be one of the most potent of the phytoestrogens available. It also contains and anti-androgen which may reduce the levels of male hormones in women.


Women who want to use these products to enlarge their breasts can either purchase or grow the plants on their own or purchase herbal supplements in pill, liquid or powder form. If using a prepared supplement, always make certain that the product is 100 percent genuine and not primarily fillers. Diluted, inexpensive supplements will not have the correct concentration needed to provide the desired benefit.


In addition, women with known plant allergies may be unable to use these products. If an allergic reaction occurs, or there are side effects like abdominal distress when taken internally or a skin rash after applying topically, discontinue use immediately. Anyone currently on a prescribed medication should discuss the use of these plants with their doctor first to make certain there is no risk of interaction. It is generally safe to use more than one plant at a time to speed up results.

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