99 Good Habits For a Better Life

99 Good Habits For a Better Life

Good habits can greatly influence our overall health and well-being, and can help us lead a more fulfilling life. Whether it's taking care of our physical health, improving our mental and emotional well-being, or simply being kind to ourselves and others, the right habits can make a huge difference. In this article, we'll be exploring 99 good habits that can help you lead a happier and healthier life. From drinking plenty of water and eating a balanced diet, to practicing mindfulness and volunteering, these habits can help you achieve a greater sense of well-being and purpose. So, let's dive in and explore the many ways in which we can improve our lives through the power of good habits.

Healthy Life Changing Habits

Finally let’s begin our list with some healthy habits that can go a long way in keeping you healthy and fit.

1. Develop a productive morning routine that you love.

2. Don’t skip breakfast; it helps to regulate your sugar levels.

3. Stretch your limbs and body multiple times a day; it helps in blood-circulation. It is important especially if you have a desk job.

4. Do some physical activity like exercising, walking or jogging, for at least 45 minutes everyday.

5. Eat one healthy meal a day like salad or stew this will prevent any digestion issues and take care of your gut.

6. Get a health check-up one every 6 months or at least once a year.

7. Visit your dentist, preferably twice a year or at least once a year.

8. Quit smoking. There are more healthy ways of releasing stress like sleeping on time.

9. Limit eating processed food; instead aim to have as many home cooked meals as possible.

10. Don’t drink excessively.

11. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water.

12. Brush twice a day, half an hour after waking-up and after having dinner.

13. Don’t overeat eat or suppress your hunger and skip meals. Instead have meals at a fixed time.

14. Take stairs instead of elevator, at least every alternate day.

15. Have a consistent schedule when it comes to sleeping at night and waking up in the morning.

15. Create a soothing evening routine that helps to you to unwind for the day.


Life-Changing Habits for Better Mental Health

16. Control your anger. Whenever you feel angry control16. Control your anger. Whenever you feel angry control your urge to utter something impulsively, instead count to 20 clear your thoughts and then speak in a measured voice. In anger we often say things we later regret.

17. Eat mindfully away from your TV and without scrolling the mobile phone.

18. Compliment yourself regularly.

19. Laugh and smile more often.

20. Create a soothing evening routine that helps to you to unwind for the day.

21. If you live with your family try to have one meal together.

22. Plan some get-togethers with your friends and close ones every few months.

23. Try to enjoy the present moment each day by observing people around you, listening and experiencing all the sights and sounds. Try to close your eyes and feel it for a moment. This will help you to relax even amid chaos.


Change Your Life with Self-Caring Habits

With the daily grind we all go through, it is so important to indulge in some free weekly self-care.

24. Meditate for 7-10 minutes daily where you just concentrate on your breathing.

25. Take deep breaths at least thrice a day it will help your focus and concentration as well as remove any brain fog. This is also a good tip if you suffer from anxiety.

26. Start a thought journal to untangle your mind.

27. Indulge in aromatherapy once in a while to manage stress. Get an oil diffuser and some essential oils, such as lavender or lemongrass which will help you to relax.

28. Listen to some soothing music at the end of the day.

29. Dance like no one is watching

30. Sing your heart out.

31. Try art and music therapy to manage stress.

32. Walk amidst nature once a week.

33. Pamper your skin by developing a weekly skincare routine.

34. Nourish your hair with a proper hair-care routine.

35. Take care of your cuticles, indulge in some manicure and pedicure.


Motivational Habits to Change Your Life

36. Listen to some podcasts and audio books when you are commuting to office.

37. Do a life audit where you reflect on your progress and where you can improve.

38. Practice some random act of kindness every now and then.

39. Practice saying thank you and please more often.

40. Practice gratitude where you are grateful for everything in your life.

41. Try to see positive in any adverse situation.

42. Work on your confidence and will-power.

43. Encourage yourself by practicing self-affirmations.


Positive Habits For a Better You

44. Adopt a pet.

45. Learn a new language

46. Travel at least once a year and plan for it early.

47. Learn a life-skill.

48. Plant some trees.

49. Pick up a hobby.

50. Don’t waste electricity; turn off lights, fans, AC when you leave a room.

51. Avoid using your phone at least an hour before bedtime.

52. Read food labels when you buy processed food items.

53. Don’t waste food and water.

54. If you have leftover food from a party or get together please donate it. There are so many local social organizations which take food and distribute it among the needy.


Life-changing Habits to Help You be Better Organized

55. Make your bed in the morning. Your bed is the most noticeable object in your room and if it’s kept neat and organized it shows you are ready for the day.

56. Throw out your expired medicines at once every six months.

57. Discard unnecessary stuff at your home and work-space least once a year, especially your wardrobe which has outfits you haven’t worn in at least 2 years.

58. Organize your home and work-space with the labeling system, and review it at least once a year.

59. Plan your outfits at the start of the week to avoid morning hassles.

60. Start weekly meal-planning.

61. Do your dishes after having your food.

62. Clean your kitchen, even when you don’t want to.

63. Have designated day(s) for doing your laundry.

64. Clear your fridge at least twice a month. Same goes for your microwave, oven and other kitchen gadgets that need regular cleaning.

65. Clean your handbag/office bag at least once a month.

66. Clean your makeup brushes regularly.

67. Have a weekly dusting/cleaning routine.

68. Make a list of all important dates like birthday and anniversaries.


Streamline Your Work with these Better Habits

69. Use the batching technique for completing similar tasks.

70. Beat procrastination by using planners and making to-do lists.

71. Use anti-distraction apps to prevent mindless scrolling on internet that hampers your work and productivity.

72. Make it a point to note down any interesting ideas you may have.

73. Change your passwords once a year.

74. Make a habit to return calls and messages you couldn’t attend to.

75. Have a designated time where you check and answer your mails.

76. Organize your phone and computer at least once every six months.


Self-development Habits to Transform Your Life

77. Set some goals for yourself every year/month and track those.

78. Make a vision board for your life goals.

79. Make it a habit to plan ahead to ensure your time is not wasted.

80. Plan your day. It takes less than 5 minutes to write a to-do list, which you can do first thing in the morning or the previous evening. It would help you remain organized as well as keep you from procrastinating on important tasks.

81. Plan your entire week on Sundays. At least make a rough outline.

82. Read books regularly – Books widen our horizon on many things as well as provide some escape from the daily stress.

83. Learn to listen attentively.

84. Pay attention to your posture when you sit and walk.

85. Stop people pleasing and learn to say “NO”.


Change your Life with these Innovative Habits

86. Learn to write with your left hand it will do wonders for your confidence

87. Learn the Morse code

88. Learn some random amazing facts

89. Indulge in some sporting activity

90. Do some volunteering and charity work once a year.

91. Work on your communication skills.

92. Meet new people, make some new friends.


Life-Changing Better Financial Habits

93. Make a monthly budget of your expenses and a monthly goal of saving each month.

94. Start saving your leftover cash in a piggy bank and invest it at the end of the year.

95. Create an emergency fund today.

96. Start plan for your retirement today.

97. Pay your taxes on time.

98. Use your credit/debit card sensibly, pay with cash if possible.

99. Make a shopping list when you go shopping. A list prevents you in going overboard.

Parting Thoughts on Life Changing Habits

Any habit that helps your physical, mental and emotional well-being is worth having. As per research over 40 percent of your actions during the day depend on your habits, so choose your habits wisely to if you wish to have positive changes in your life.

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