8 Secrets Of Female Psychology That All ‘Naturals’ Understand

8 Secrets Of Female Psychology That All ‘Naturals’ Understand

Women are notoriously difficult for men to understand. That problem ends for you today.

These 8 secrets of female psychology should lift you into the small percentage of men who understand women’s behavior.

It makes dating far easier when you know why your love interest is behaving a certain way — and how to respond.

So, let’s dive in.

1. Women Don’t Just Care About Your Looks

Attraction is biological. It’s mostly based on one’s ability to give the other healthy children. This is why men want young women with big boobs, a small waist and wide hips. It’s also why women consider more than a man’s physical appearance.

Historically, women have needed a strong masculine man to look after them and their family. While that’s not as essential in modern times, women are still primed to examine a man’s personality more than what he looks like.

Your appearance is important to women, but mostly because of what it suggests about you. If you’re tall and strong, it signals you’re capable of looking after her. If you’re poorly dressed and groomed, she’ll assume you can’t even look after yourself.

Some younger girls chase handsome guys for the validation that comes with dating a pretty-boy. However, that becomes far less important once she grows into a confident and intelligent woman.

2. Most Women Are Open To Casual Sex, But Few Will Admit It

Women love sex as much as men. The difference is: they have to be pickier about who they sleep with. There are far worse consequences if they choose the wrong partner.

A bad reputation is one of these consequences. If word gets out that she’s ‘easy’, it can be so damaging. Women know that high-quality men won’t want to settle down with the ‘village bicycle’. That’s why they do everything they can to avoid this label.

Women get horny. Women sometimes desire casual sex. But they have to be discreet about it.

To try and quickly sleep with a woman, invite her to your place after her friends have left. Better yet, find an innocent reason to go there. This way, she can tell her pals that ‘one thing led to another’ and ‘it just happened’. Or you can both deny anything happened.

Dating apps made it easier than ever to arrange a discreet one-night stand. The result is: we now live in a ‘hook-up culture’. Some young women have genuinely not indulged in it. Most have, but won’t admit it.

3. Women Want You To Lead

Sexual polarity plays a huge role in attraction too. Feminine women are attracted to masculine men.

The ability to lead is a highly masculine trait, and that’s why women want you to make the first move. It’s also why they want you to message first, choose the date location, decide when to kiss them etc.

When a man takes charge, his woman can relax and embrace her femininity. Only then can she begin to feel aroused.

4. Women Respond To Emotions More Than Logic

Masculine energy centres around logic. Feminine energy centres around emotion. This is why women choose the fun guy over the boring man who’d be a better boyfriend on paper.

If you want to win a woman’s heart, your best shot is to appeal to her emotions. Why do you think women date unpredictable ‘bad boys’? These guys are an awful logical choice, but they provide a roller-coaster of emotional highs and lows.

The guide linked below explains how to create this emotional rollercoaster without being an asshole.

5. Women Will Always Put Their Safety First

In most cases, you’ll be bigger and stronger than the women you’re pursuing. Don’t underestimate how intimidating this is.

You’ll be considered a dangerous creep by most women until you prove otherwise. This is why it can take them a while to warm up to you.

You can prove you’re not a creep by showing decent social skills. Smile. Keep relaxed eye contact. Read her body language. React if she looks uncomfortable.

It also helps to show off your female friends. Take them to the party with you. Include pictures with them on your social media profiles. Most women will assume you’re safe to hang out with if others appear to like you.

6. Women Want Men Who Are Better Than Them

Female hypergamy is proven by endless studies which show women are unlikely to marry men who:

  • earn less than them;
  • are less educated than them;
  • are a lower socio-economic class than them.

In my experience as a dating coach, it runs deeper than this too. If a modern man does anything to indicate he sees a woman as above him, her attraction will plummet.

This is why women will never date simps. When you treat a woman like a celebrity, she can only treat you like a fan. Your crush may show appreciation when you simp for her, but she won’t respect you at all. The attention of a high-quality man has to be earned, and women know this.

7. Women Will Act Bratty To Test You’re The Real Deal

We’ve established that women want a confident and masculine man. The problem is: they can’t instantly tell whether you have these qualities.

You might be able to fake them for a while, especially if they’re receptive to everything you say. This is why a woman tends to act a little bratty in her interactions with romantic interests. It’s not that she’s a complete bitch. Usually, she’s testing to see if you’re the real deal.

If you remain confident and non-reactive in the face of these tests, she’ll become even more attracted to you. 

8. Women Want A Man Who’ll Stick Around, But Only If He’s Attractive

A champion man might create champion children, but that’s not much good if he abandons the mother. Not for her and not for the kids.

A woman therefore has to seek the most attractive partner, who’ll also stay loyal to her. She needs attraction and loyalty.

Sadly, it’s tough to find these two qualities in the same man. The most attractive men are the most likely to stray, because they have the most options.

This is becoming more apparent for women in this new ‘hook-up culture’. They’re all chasing the same men on dating apps, having sex, then being ghosted. Unwilling to drop their standards, many women waste their best years endlessly repeating this process. They’ve been labelled ‘alpha widows’.

If you can become an attractive man who’s ready to commit to someone, you’ll find no shortage of takers. The problem is: most men lead with loyalty without generating any attraction. This is a classic ‘nice guy’ mistake that’ll rarely get you the girl. Women only want your romantice gestures once you’ve proved you’re an attractive man.

I hope this information helps you on your journey to lead the dating life of your dreams.

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