11 Things You Didn't Know Your Vagina Could Do

11 Things You Didn't Know Your Vagina Could Do


The vagina is an incredibly versatile and fascinating organ, capable of performing a range of functions beyond its most well-known role in sexual pleasure and reproduction. Despite its many capabilities, there's still so much about the vagina that many people don't know. In fact, there are a number of things that the vagina can do that might surprise you.


From self-cleaning to exercising and even communicating, the vagina is an essential part of the female anatomy that is often misunderstood and underappreciated. So, in this article, we'll explore some of the most amazing things your vagina can do that you may not have known before. Whether you're a woman who's curious about her own body or someone who's simply interested in learning more about the wonders of human anatomy, there's sure to be something here that will fascinate and educate you.


  1. Clean Itself: The vagina is self-cleaning and produces discharge that helps keep it clean and healthy. Douching and using harsh soaps can disrupt this natural balance and lead to infections.

  2. Expand and Contract: The vagina is designed to stretch and contract to accommodate different penis sizes, sex toys, and even babies during childbirth. Kegel exercises can also help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support the vagina.

  3. Achieve Orgasm: The clitoris is often thought of as the primary source of female pleasure, but the vagina also contains a lot of nerve endings that can lead to orgasm. Some women can even achieve orgasm from vaginal stimulation alone.

  4. Release Fluids: The vagina can produce several types of fluids, including lubrication during arousal, menstrual blood, and even female ejaculate.

  5. Detect Scent: The vagina has a unique scent that can vary based on factors like menstrual cycle, sexual activity, and hygiene. Some people even believe that the scent of a person's vagina can indicate their overall health and fertility.

  6. Protect Against Infection: The vagina contains healthy bacteria that help protect against infection and maintain a healthy pH balance. Using condoms during sex can also help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.

  7. Create Life: The vagina is a crucial part of the reproductive system that allows for pregnancy and childbirth. It's amazing to think that the same organ that can bring so much pleasure can also create and sustain life.

  8. Change Over Time: Just like the rest of your body, your vagina can change over time. Hormonal changes, menopause, and pregnancy can all affect the vagina's size, shape, and overall health.

  9. Produce Pheromones: Pheromones are chemicals that are produced by the body and can affect sexual attraction and desire. The vagina is one of the areas where pheromones are produced, and some studies suggest that they can influence a person's sexual behavior.

  10. Get Wet: The vagina produces natural lubrication during sexual arousal, which can help make sex more comfortable and enjoyable. However, some women may experience vaginal dryness, which can be caused by factors like hormonal changes, medication, or menopause.

  11. Change Color: The color of the vagina can vary based on factors like race, age, and hormonal changes. It can range from pink to brown to purplish, and all shades are considered normal.


The vagina is a complex and incredible organ that can do much more than many people realize. From self-cleaning to creating life, the vagina has many surprising abilities that should be celebrated and appreciated. Understanding and embracing these functions can help women better appreciate and care for their bodies.

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