The Best Way To Lose Weight From Your Stomach

The Best Way To Lose Weight From Your Stomach

The best way to loose weight from your tummy is Green Vegetable.

it’s not possible to loose weight form one body part ,when your start loosing weight ,it will get reduce weight from your entire body.

however you can more concentrate to specific body part to reduce the weight.

the easiest way to lose weight is green vegetable ,try to add green row vegetable in your diet.

the basic thing you have follow

1.Calorie intake ,please calculate your body calorie intake according to your weight and height,Normally restrict to 1500 calorie in a day

2.divide your 3
meal into 5 different meal (Break fast,snacks,lunch ,evening snack,dinner

3.added green row vegetable in your all meal e.g cabbage ,cucumber,carrot,capsicum.

3.Avoid junk food and oil.

4.walk or jogging half and to 1 hour

you will see a result in 15 day’s…

if you are not able to follow much you can just add green row vegetable (salad) for your breakfast and dinner

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