7 Foods That Literally Melt the Fat

7 Foods That Literally Melt the Fat

Add these superfoods to your diet to boost metabolism, reduce inflammation, and help your body become a healthier, leaner fat burning machine.


According to health guru Dave Asprey, author of The Bulletproof In Diet, fat is the most important macronutrient as long as you eat the right variety. That means getting rid of harmful saturated and trans fats (like red meat and hydrogenated oils) and adding a healthy dose of good fat so your body can burn fat and digest food more efficiently. Don't be fooled by the high calorie content of coconut oil. Try adding an organic, unrefined version to smoothies or cooking with them as an alternative to butter, and aim for 6 to 8 tablespoons of coconut.



Getting enough fiber in your diet is the key to staying slim because it promotes digestive health and keeps your bowel movements regular, says Eva Selhub, M., Author of Your Health Destiny: How to Unlock Your Natural Ability to Overcome Disease, Feel Better, and Live Longer. Cauliflower is a high fiber, non-starchy vegetable that is loaded with phytonutrients, antioxidants, and vitamin C that will help you burn more, try it raw in salads, or steamed and mashed with garlic for a healthier version of mashed potatoes.



You've heard of the benefits of yogurt, but its weight loss benefits need to be repeated: Fat and sugar-free yogurt is a great source of belly-healthy probiotics, according to Caroline Apovian, M., author of The AgeDefying Diet: Outsmart Your Metabolism To Lose Weight And Turn Back The Clock Live yogurt cultures support the growth of the natural flora (i.e. good bacteria) in your gut AND the healthier your gut, the more nutrients will be needed and less harmful bacteria will be absorbed and inflammation will thrive and help you stay leaner.



Getting adequate protein intake is the key to burning fat and staying slim. According to Apovian, salmon is a high quality, lean source of protein that will fuel your muscles and boost your metabolism. How does it work other than filling your stomach so you eat less? It uses more energy for your body to process, which means you burn even while you eat.Bonus: Salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids which reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.



The tear vegetable gives a recipe to any recipe Lots of flavor, but it won't increase your waistline Onions contain anthoxanthins, which promote lower blood pressure and healthy cholesterol, as well as minerals and oils that help break down fat and speed up your metabolism. Improve your mood, regulate your sleep, and lower your risk of cancer.



If you don't eat gut-friendly foods, your stomach will suffer from oxidative stress and damage, which will definitely make it harder to burn fat, trigger allergies, upset the balance of your immune system, and cause bothersome inflammation. Fat, low in sugar, and full of antioxidants, which Selhub says will help protect your colon. And they're easy to eat - adding half an avocado to your lunch can fill you up if you're overweight and avoid unnecessary snacking later on.



These tasty berries are low in calories, high in fiber, and contain ketones, a compound linked to fat loss in animal studies. They also have those all-important antioxidants you've been hearing about, which will help to reduce inflammation, which could be slowing down your fat-burning process.

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