7 Ball Exercises for Stronger Legs, Abs and Buttocks

7 Ball Exercises for Stronger Legs, Abs and Buttocks

These super effective ball exercises for legs, abs and buttocks can be your best friend to achieve your desired look, and how to use them!


To get buttocks, abs and legs of envy is not necessary to spend hours in the gym, you can do it from home! A good exercise routine is the key, we share with you a very good one that you just have to put some discipline.

You will need a pilates ball or fitball and a lot of balance, but the advantage is that you will not damage your joints because they are low impact exercises.

So, let’s get started!



Ball Exercises

Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides, bend your knees and rest the soles of your feet on a ball. Now, bring all the strength to your abdomen and legs, and lift your hips (as if you were doing a bridge). Lower and repeat 10 times, for 3 sets.



Ball Exercises

Get on your knees with the ball on one side. Lie on the ball with one side of your body and one knee on the floor. Lift your torso laterally and straighten both legs. Perform 20 repetitions and switch sides.



Ball Exercises

Lie face down on the ball, placing your hands and toes on the floor, just like in the push-up position. Then, raise your right leg upwards, as high as you can, lower and do the same with the left limb. Repeat this exercise 12 times of 3 sets.



Ball Exercises

This is one of the most fun leg and glutes exercises, but be careful when doing it. Start by taking a fitball, place it against the wall and turn around so that you hold it with your lower back. Next, lower yourself down as if you were sitting on a chair, come back up and repeat 3 sets of 12 squats.



Ball Exercises

Slide face down on the ball and place your feet on top of the ball. Place both hands in front of you on the floor. Bend your arms, up and down, as in traditional push-ups. Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions.



Ball Exercises

Put the ball on the floor and rest it on a corner. Proceed to stand with your back to the ball, placing the instep of your right leg on the ball. With your arms stretched out in front of you, lower your torso and bend your knees, keeping your balance and strengthening your glutes. Do this exercise 12 repetitions of 3 sets.



Ball Exercises

Stands with your back straight and place the ball to the side. Then place the sole of the foot closest to the ball on the ball and lower your torso into a squat, while sliding your leg over the ball so that it is fully extended. Do the same with the left limb until you complete 3 sets of 10 stretches per leg.

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