What Does Your Sitting Position Talk About Your Personality?!

According to the psychologists who study body language, sitting position talks about people’s intentions. The point is that we do that unconsciously, and because of that, through our sub consciousness, it manifests our hidden instincts and wishes. We will see what people’s intentions by the way they place their legs while sitting are.

What Does Your Sitting Position Talk About Your Personality?!


Position 1 – sometimes people prefer sitting in this position and want to lead themselves by the principle: If I cover my head with a blanket, the monster will go away! They believe that the issue will resolve on its own. Sometimes, such an approach works and people are happy, but sometimes not, and in that case the problem is being pointed to someone else. It is quite easy to communicate with such people, they are not boring, they switch easily, and they rarely process the same thought for a period of one week. These people are very creative, charming, and a little childish. They will say something first, and then think about what they did.

Position 2 – those people who sit in this position are dreamers. They have a great imagination and want to dream of things. People call them “the soul of the team or the company”. It is never boring with them as they often generate new, and sometimes amazing ideas. They want to travel and make new friends easily. They will impatiently wait for Monday or the New Year in order to start a new page in their lives, as everything can start at that instant, without much thinking about it. They will quickly change their appearance, partner, business, city, and even a state – all of this is completely normal for them.

Position 3 – these people know what comfort looks like. They may not spend their weekend going to the mall and making their style perfect, but they can spend lots of time in choosing the right perfume or cream. Their relationship toward clothes can be very complicated, thus, they are very capricious and choosy. They are often surrounded with a so called “chaos”, but in what others consider it a chaos, there is a certain logical system: the owner can find all the necessary things with closed eyes. These people’s main weakness is the inability to focus on something special, and cannot concentrate for a longer period of time. Moreover, they easily go off the topic.

Position 4 – those who sit in this position do not want to be late, and they do not want others to be late, too. They are smart, intelligent, sensitive, and believe that bad peace, is better than a good quarrel. These people feel uncomfortable if someone shows their feelings in a public place (whether it is a passionate kiss or a quarrel of the spouses). If the person wants to seat with the legs connected, and relying on the whole foot, then this person is open, direct, and maybe a bit insolent. Moreover, he or she is very neat by nature. If in this position, the person wants to raise the upper part of the foot, relaying on the heels, be sure, that even though they seem restrained, they are actually ready to oppose everyone. The world, for this person, is an unfriendly surrounding, and his or her house is a come kind of a shelter, fortress behind whose walls they may hide from all the troubles. Any objections on their account is considered an allusion that something is not OK with them, and instantly starts a counterattack.

Position 5 – these people do not rush and if they enter a marriage they won’t rush to create a family, before they gain education and get a career, as they believe everything has its own time. They are characterized as persistent (which can sometimes turn into stubbornness) and they hasten towards the life’s aim. Ambitions are the main encouragements for these people to forget about their vagaries and move forward to the place where dreams come true. Their appearance is highly important to them and no one is aware what they will do to maintain the perfect form. There is a small insecurity somewhere deep in their soul, and often accept criticism (even a friendly and constructive one) with objections.

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