Easy To Follow 3-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan To Lose Weight

Every woman’s goal nowadays is to look great and have a sculpted body. In order to do this, women follow rigorous diets and training regimes, but sadly, they don’t often work.

Losing weight is not that simple – if you really want to succeed, you need to have a nutritionist or doctor prepare a weight loss plan for you. You must find the right kind of diet for your body or you’ll ruin your health. Also, your body needs to be cleaned of sugar first before you start losing weight and get those muscles in perfect shape.

Easy To Follow 3-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan To Lose Weight

Luckily for you, we have an ideal sugar detox plan that works great for everyone and will help you reach your weight loss goals. It only lasts for 3 days and is pretty simple to follow, which is why we suggest giving it a try.

sugar detox meal plan

3-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan
Day #1

Breakfast: a bowl of veggie salad + 3 boiled eggs

Snack: a handful of nuts or seeds

Lunch: steamed or boiled green veggies

Snack: a cup of berries (preferably fresh)

Dinner: salmon and asparagus or any kind of fish with green veggies

Day #2
Breakfast: a bowl of oatmeal with berries and soy milk

Snack: a handful of almonds (or any nuts)

Lunch: grilled vegetables with salt and pepper only

Snack: fresh carrots

Dinner: a bowl of veggie soup

Day #3
Breakfast: oatmeal with berries or 2 boiled eggs and some spinach

Snack: a handful of nuts or seeds

Lunch: a bowl of chicken soup and roasted chicken meat

Snack: a cup of fresh berries

Dinner: pasta with tomato sauce and mushrooms

While on this sugar detox plan, you need to avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, and soda from drinks. From food, you should stay away from desserts and sweets. Have your dinner no later than 8 PM and make sure to drink plenty of water as well (8-10 glasses).

Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night, exercise regularly, don’t skip your meals and try to relax. Before starting the plan, it’s best to consult with a nutritionist or doctor in order to prevent any potential problems.

Remember – getting off sugar is not easy, so you need to follow the steps carefully. Follow the plan for 3 days – no more, no less. Our body still needs sugar, so continuing with the detox plan can cause many problems.

Additionally, if you’re suffering from a metabolic disorder, diabetes, cardiovascular and kidney disease or you’re pregnant, it’s best to avoid this plan.

If you’re healthy, following the rules will help you lose weight and finally achieve the sculpted body you’ve always dreamed of.

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