15 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Epsom Salt

Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate as it’s also known, is a simple mineral compound that can be used in a variety of ways. In general, Epsom salt is usually added to baths – soaking in an Epsom salt bath can supply the body with magnesium and is probably the best way to do so.

15 Common Health Problems That Can Be Treated Using Epsom Salt


The History Of Epsom Salt
In the early 17th century, a farmer from Epsom noticed one day that his cows no longer wanted to drink the bitter water from his farm. This water had the ability to accelerate the recovery of skin problems. The word about it spread fast and Epsom became the first spa center in the world, although it was quickly replaced by other towns with larger quantities of spa water.



Great For Your Skin
Epsom salt is usually used to treat skin problems and improve the skin’s health. However, it can also boost our overall health due to the unique nutritional profile it has.

Epsom Salt For Skin Health
Our body is constantly producing new skin cells. It replaces about 1 million old cells per day – this means that most of the dust in your home is actually made up of old skin cells. Our outer skin layer is made up of dead skin cells – when some of them aren’t properly removed, they can clog our pores and cause a variety of problems. This is why exfoliation is important, but not all of us do it on a regular basis.

Epsom Salt – The Perfect Natural Exfoliator
Epsom salt is a mildly abrasive substance which works great as a natural exfoliator. Just apply some of the salt on wet skin and gently rub it to remove all the dead skin cells from its surface. Rinse with water in the end and take Epsom salt baths a couple times per week in order to keep your skin in perfect shape. You need about ½ a cup of the salt per bath, although it depends on how much oil your skin produces.

Epsom Salt vs. Acne
The exfoliating properties of Epsom salt work great against acne – they can deep clean your pores and fight any bacteria which might cause harm.

Epsom Salt For Your Hair
Epsom salt can remove toxins from your skin and hair, improve its volume and completely clean your scalp. Add a bit in your hair conditioner and apply it on your scalp, then leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with water.

Epsom Salt For Your General Well-Being
Taking a few Epsom salt baths per week will not only improve your skin health – it will give your overall health a nice boost.

The Roles Of Magnesium And Sulfate In Epsom Salt
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in the human body. It regulates the activity of over 300 enzymes which prevent the hardening of your arteries, muscle function and reduce inflammation in your body. On the other hand, sulfate promotes detoxification and improves the absorption of nutrients while working closely together with magnesium.

When combined in the form of Epsom salt, the minerals can relax sore muscles, relieve stress, treat joint pain, prevent the hardening of your arteries, relieve inflammation, soothe pain, detoxify the body, reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular problems and improve the health of your skin and hair.

Taking 2-3 Epsom salt baths per week will also improve your digestion and treat constipation and similar digestive problems, treat sunburns, eliminate foot odor and pain and relieve skin inflammation and soothe insect bites.

Thanks to the benefits it offers, we suggest using Epsom salt in a bath a couple times per week in order to improve your overall health.

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