This Ancient Face Map Will Tell You What Disease You Have And How To Cure It!

For centuries, medical practitioners of traditional Chinese’s medicine have been ‘reading’ the face to find out all the health issues in one’s body.

The explanation for this is quite logical- the face skin is very thin and sensitive, so if there is something wrong with you, it will become visible on the form of a rash, spots, complexion change, or lesions.

This Ancient Face Map Will Tell You What Disease You Have And How To Cure It!

This ancient technique claims that every part on the face is linked to a part of the body. Here is how to read your ‘face map’ and detect any illnesses, accompanied by possible solutions.

1 Forehead – Digestive system problems
Digestive system problems are usually caused by over-consumption of processed foods, sugars, and fats. Other causes of impaired digestion are high levels of stress and excessive consumption of alcohol.

Solution: Avoid consuming alcohol whenever possible and try to have a good night sleep. Increase the intake of water up to two liters a day and consume more raw foods.

2 Eyebrow arch – Kidney issues
Kidneys can suffer from impaired circulation, too much alcohol, heart issues, as well as smoking.

Solution: Lower the intake of coffee, alcohol, drinks that contain added sugars and again, drink plenty of water.

3 Between the eyebrows – Liver problems
Liver problems can be caused by chronic tiredness or too much meat consumption. In this case, the stomach and liver are over-burdened and can’t function properly. Another possible cause for liver issues is food allergies.

Solution: Try to eat fresh and raw foods whenever possible. Calm yourself down by practicing meditation or yoga and get more physically active. Make sure you spend more time outdoors.

4 Nose- Cardiovascular diseases
Impaired circulation, stomach acidity, bloating, as well as polluted air can all cause heart problems or high blood pressure.

Solution: See your doctor and check, whether you have high cholesterol or blood pressure. In case you do, he will recommend how to balance them and maintain them normal. Regular physical activity and consumption of organic green tea can help you clean your body from toxins and lower the risk of heart diseases.

5 Cheekbones — Lungs
This might be a sign of asthma or other health breathing problems caused by smoking or air pollution. The same is suggested by dark shades around your eyes.

Solution: If you are a smoker, consider quitting. Try to reduce your exposure to polluted air and cigarette smoke. Also, try to be more physically active.

6 Cheeks- Kidneys and lungs
If there are unusual changes around your cheeks, they might be caused by poor diet, too much sugar, high-stress levels, or smoking.

Solution: Consult a nutritionist to help you balance your diet and use high-quality beauty products.

7 Chin and Mouth — Stomach
Your stomach can be upset from overconsumption of fats, sugar, coffee, spices, and alcohol. High-stress levels and irregular sleeping patterns can also cause stomach issues.

Solution: Change your eating habits – eat more raw foods, fruits and veggies. Reduce the consumption of spicy and fatty foods. If the problem doesn’t go away after some time, see your doctor or a nutritionist.

8 Neck and Jaw- Hormonal imbalance
Hormonal imbalance can be caused by too salty and spicy foods. Another reason is too much caffeine.

Solution: Lower the intake of the above-mentioned products – salt, spices, and caffeine and consume at least 2 liters of water daily.

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