Health Problems That Can Be Solved With Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is a highly potent antiseptic. You can use the advantage of the exceptional strength of tea tree essential oil hidden in a bottle, when you suffer from health problems – and you will soon feel much better. Learn when you can use tea tree essential oil.

Health Problems That Can Be Solved With Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree essential oil is one of the few oils (including lavender), which can be applied directly to the skin. Therefore it is very easy to take advantage of its healing effects. To get rid of fungal infections just spread some oil on the skin several times a day. If your skin is too sensitive, dissolve the tea tree oil in the carrier oil (eg. Olive oil) and then apply it to the skin. This oil should not be consumed, because it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or more serious complications. Also, be careful to avoid contact with eyes. If you are an allergic person, first test it by putting a small amount of tea tree oil on your skin to see whether it’ll cause an allergic reaction. Tea tree essential oil is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers who are breastfeeding.


Ear infection

Because tea tree acts against fungi, bacteria and viruses, you may find tea tree oil useful when you suffer from pain in the ears in the initial phase of ear infections. Never apply tea tree oil directly in your ear – apply it on the outside, around the ears, drop few drops on the fingers and massage the ear. Drop two drops of the oil on to ear swab and massage the ear canal while being careful not to smear the inside of the ears.
Inflamed oral cavity

If you have a problem with inflammation in the mouth or have you have aphtae, put a few drops of tea tree essential oil in a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with the mixture. This method also helps with bad breath. Remember to never drink the liquid!

Sore throat or congested sinuses

If you have a sore throat, congested sinuses or a strong cough, drip a few drops of tea tree oil on a handkerchief and inhale for some time. Also you can add few drops of tea tree oil in a basin with hot water than cover the head with a towel and make inhalation.

Vaginal infection

In the case of vaginal infection fill a basin with warm water add about twenty drops of tea tree essential oil and sit over for 15 minutes.


Mix seven drops of tea tree essential oil in a spoonful of olive oil. Apply the mixture on the scalp and leave overnight. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo.


On a Q-tip drop a drop of tea tree oil and gently massage around the area, where you have pimples or blackheads. Apply this treatment up to twice a day, or leave it lubricated overnight.

Repels the insects

To repel flies and moths, in a cup of water add three to four drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix well and pour in a sprayer. This mixture will clean and sanitize the air.

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