See What Happens To Your Organism When You Stop Consuming Bread

Bread is the main part of the western diet. When you go in a restaurant for dinner, bread is always stocked on the table. At home, bread is consumed with every meal. It`s no wonder that bread supplies about 20% of all food calories.


There`s nothing wrong with consuming homemade bread, from time to time. But according to experts, we must not eat processed bread every single day (or at all).


See What Happens To Your Organism When You Stop Consuming Bread

Here are a few things that will happen to your health if you stop consuming bread:


1. Digestions problems

According to a recent study, wholegrain intake is very important for the amount of fiber in our diet. The study discovered that 92% of adults in U.S. don`t eat enough grains. Fiber is the indigestible part of plants (like grains), which stabilizes blood sugar levels, improves bowel movements and reduces the risk of obesity and chronic diseases.


2. Exhaustion

Carbohydrates are the main energy source of the brain. If you cut down on carbs, glycogen stores will get low and depleted, so the brain starts running on fumes. Once the glycogen is completely gone, the body starts to break down fat, using little carbon fragments called ketones.

Some of the possible side effects are: dry mouth, weakness and dizziness, nausea, brain fog, insomnia and bad breath. You will feel like you are having the flu. In time, the body will adapt on running on ketones so you won`t feel this bad all the time, but they are not the fuel source human body prefers.


3. Anxiety

Whole or refined, carbs increase the levels of serotonin, brain`s feel-good neurotransmitter. Cutting on carbs, especially whole grains, decreases your mental health. Carbs are the main source of energy for the body when it comes to exercise, including endurance and resistance workout.

Simply said, if you cut on carbohydrates, you energy will drop, the ability of the body to produce power and force will decrease.


4. Loss of water weight

Reduced carb intake quickly results in weight loss, but it is not fat that you`re burning, you are actually losing water.

Carbs are stored in our body in the form of glycogen and each gram of carbs stores water 3-4 times its weight. So when you reduce carbs from your diet, the body starts using the glycogen, which means you lose water weight.

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