Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method – Rub a Certain Finger For 60 Seconds and See What Will Happen To Your Body

Jin Shin Jyutsu Finger Method – Rub a Certain Finger For 60 Seconds and See What Will Happen To Your Body

People in the Far East have practiced healing techniques such as acupuncture, reflexology, and massage therapies for centuries, in order to treat pain, trauma, stress, and various illnesses.

Yet, they became popular in America and Europe in the last decade.

Jin Shin Jyustu is an old oriental system of balancing life energy and bodily functions, and it is believed to treat back and neck pain, PTSD, depression, sciatica, and anxiety.

It involves pressing and/or pulling of every finger on the hand.

Mary Burmeister (Asian-American) was the first one to practice this technique in the United States, in the early 1950s, and she learned it from Jiro Murai, a specialist in it.

The following video will reveal the way this technique is performed. Make sure you pay attention to every finger, as each of them has a different role.

The technique is beneficial for both, women and men, and is perfectly safe for children as well. It lasts for only a minute!

Yet, it will also help you eliminate all negative emotions, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, and fear.

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