Home Remedies For Firming Sagging Breasts

Every women love to have firm and perky breast and it’s not uncommon. Unfortunately, hormone fluctuations, pregnancy, excess weight loss or weight gain and ageing lead us to cause our breasts to sag. Saggy breast usually occur after crossing the age of 40 in most of the women, but with unhealthy lifestyle and food it also occurs at the age of 20 and 30 too.

However, with the advent of new technology, sophisticated instrument and many creams, lotions and treatments are available in the market that help to tone up sagging breast.

Apart from all these products and treatments, you can still depend on some natural ways to firm up your sagging breasts and prevent them from sagging with the help of following home remedies.

Home Remedies For Firming Sagging Breasts


Home Remedies To Firm Sagging Breasts Naturally

All the home remedies shown below are inexpensive and very easy to do and not to mention quite effecting in getting those sagging breasts to firm up.

1. Ice Massage

Ice massage is quite an effective way to get firmness in your breasts. The cold temperature will lead to contraction of tissues and result in making the breasts firmer.

What You Need To Do

  • Take 2 ice cubes and massage the breasts in circular motion for 1-2 minutes.
  • Use soft towel to dry the breasts and wear comfortable bra immediately.
  • Do this in regular intervals throughout the day for few days.

2. Olive Oil Massage

Olive oil is rich in anti oxidants and fatty acids that help to reverse the damage caused by free radicals and prevent sagging breast. Regular application and massaging breast with olive oil often results in improving the skin tone and texture.

What You Need To Do

  • Take 2 table spoons of olive oil in your hands and rub them over to generate little heat.
  • Apply this oil on your breast in upward direction and massage it for 10 -15 minutes to improve the circulation and repair cell damage.
  • Do this 3-4 times in a week.
  • You can even replace olive oil with argon, almond avocado oil to massage breasts.

3. Cucumber And Egg Yolk

The combination of cucumber and egg yolk works great for saggy breasts. Cucumber is loaded with natural skin toning properties and egg yolk contains various essential vitamins and minerals that treat sagging breasts easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Take half of cucumber and blend it to form a thick paste.
  • Take one table spoon of cucumber puree and one table spoon of egg yolk, mix them together.
  • Apply this mixture on your breasts and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with water properly and repeat it once in a week to strengthen breast tissues.

4. Shea Butter

Shea butter contains high amount of vitamin E which is an essential vitamin to tighten the skin and give your breasts a firmer shape. The properties in shea butter also help in preventing cell damage caused by free radicals.

What You Need To Do

  • Take some Shea butter and rub it on your breasts.
  • Massage your breast in upward and circular motion for 10-15 minutes.
  • Leave it off for another 10 minutes and wash it off completely with water.
  • Do this for 3-4 times in a week for good results.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains anti oxidant properties that repair the cell damage under your skin. Even the natural skin tightening properties in aloe Vera helps to get rid of sagging breasts.

What You Need To Do

  • Take little amount of fresh aloe vera gel and apply it on your breasts and massage gently in circular motion for 10 minutes.
  • Do it for 4-5 times in a week for good results.

6. Egg White

Egg white is another best remedy for sagging breasts, the skin tightening and nourishing properties in egg white are good for sagging breasts. It also contains hydro lipids that easily lift loose skin around your breast.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a small cup and beat an egg until you get foamy texture. Now apply this texture on your breasts and leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with cucumber or onion juice and finally with cold water.
  • Repeat it 3-4 times in a week to see improved results.

7. Exercise

Regular exercise is the best way to keep your body stay fit and healthy. Even some exercises will target on pectoral muscles around the chest and breast tissues that add firmness.

What You Need To Do

  • Spend little time in doing exercises like pushups, chest presses and pulls, arm raises, dumbbell flyes to improve firmness in your breasts.

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