Yoga Poses For Every Woman

Yoga is of utmost importance in modern times. It sharpens our memory, improves concentration, gives flexibility and aids in improving overall health and fitness. Everyone is driven towards the benefits of yoga these days and practice the same regularly. Many yoga classes and workshops are being organized in almost all cities. People of all ages, especially adults are already realizing the importance of yoga and are making it a daily habit to spare time for it.

We will be discussing some yoga poses for women which would enhance their overall health in general.

Yoga Poses For Every Woman


Yoga poses for every woman

  1. Bhujangasana
  2. Vriksasana
  3. Supta Buddha Konasana
  4. Utkata Konasana
  5. Virabhadrasana II
  6. Plank pose
  7. Bridge pose
  8. Garland pose
  9. Child’s pose
  10. Boat pose

Let us know the benefits of Yoga for women’s health:

  1. Bhujangasana

    Also known as cobra pose, this is best known to get relief from back pain. Due to the over sitting schedule of the working women, they are prone to back pains and heart issues. This pose helps in clearing blockages from the heart cycle, correcting rounded shoulders and avoiding the chance of future backache problems.

  2. Vriksasana

    Also known as tree pose, helps in adding and strengthening confidence to the body, mind, and soul. This pose is best for testing your patience, balancing, and concentration. This can be easily performed by standing on one foot and placing the other foot on the other thigh. It’s all about balancing and concentrating. This pose aids in increasing the flow of oxygen in the body, open up the chest and increases flexibility in the spine.


  3. Supta Buddha Konasana

    Also known as reclined Goddess pose, this pose helps in relieving the symptoms of menstruation and mild stress. It provides power and strength as that of meditation. This is practiced by closing your eyes and completely taking you beyond all commotions and noises and recharge your passive energies and zeal.
    Supta buddha konasana

  4. Utkata Konasana

    Also known as Goddess pose or chair pose, this pose helps in providing a splurge of energy through your entire body, heart and mind by ultimately removing the stress and frustrations that you deal with every day’s life. Utkata means powerful or fierce. Hence the name suggests it all. This pose helps in toning the leg muscles, strengthening hip flexors, ankles, calves and back, stretches shoulders and chest, stimulates diaphragm, abdominal organs and heart. This is performed by standing straight on the ground and raising your both arms perpendicular to the floor. Thereafter, trying to take the thighs as nearly as parallel to the floor while bending knees. Then exhaling and maintaining that posture till 15-30 seconds.

    Utkata konasana

  5. Virabhadrasana II

    Also known as warrior pose, this pose brings many benefits. This helps in strengthening the lower body of a woman. It helps in boosting the overall energy levels by adding strength to the hip area by releasing tension from that area, stretches quadriceps and inner as well as outer thighs. This is an all-time strength booster for a woman that also makes her feet and toes strong enough to be on toes all day and multitask.


  6. Plank pose

    This pose provides strength to all the core muscles, abdomen, chest and lower back. It provides strength to shoulders and improves the overall body posture. It’s one of the best calorie-burning exercises. A plank should not be held more than 20 seconds as it might do more harm than good.

    plank pose

  7. Bridge pose

    This pose is best known to strengthen the back, buttocks and hamstrings. It also helps in relieving stress, mild depression, stretching the chest, neck, spine and hips. It improves the overall circulation of blood. Hence, it calms your brain and central nervous system. Bridge pose can be held anywhere from 30 seconds to 1 minute.

    Bridge pose

  8. Garland pose

    This is also known as Malasana where you stretch your thighs and feeling the body strength. It helps relieve tension from the thighs and neck region further stretching your hip, groin and back. It also increases and improves hip movement.
    Garland pose

  9. Child’s pose 

    Also known as Balasana, this pose helps in reducing stress and fatigue and stretches hip muscles, thighs and ankles. It can be extended to 1- 5 minutes duration. It helps to calm and relax the brain and releases stress and tension from the body and mind, helps in improving mental health. This pose should not be practiced if you have any kind of knee injury. You can practice this pose between the yoga poses to relax muscle stiffness.


  10. Boat pose

    This pose is also known as Naukasana. It helps in curing indigestion and constipation issues. The pose provides great strength to the abs and helps in shredding the extra bulk from the abdomen region. It helps in toning the core without straining the neck and also aids in building a strong back.


Remember ladies! You will never break if you can bend

Although it’s all about priorities and sparing time from your busy lives and schedules, every woman must spare some time taking into consideration the eating cycle and practice yoga positively. Yoga not only aids in reducing and maintaining weight but also helps in attaining the calmness, relaxation and concentration that everyone is looking for. Every yoga pose must be practiced with proper pose knowledge. 

Because a modern woman plays the role of Goddess with many hands handling all the tasks effectively and efficiently, she must look after herself – her own health and peace of mind. The above mentioned are some of the yoga poses out of many that will help women in living a stress-free life with strong will power and positive attitude. And yes, it’s always essential to have your own time and individual space with the realization of self-worth. More power to every woman!!

Disclaimer: Tips mentioned in the blog are for information purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor, trainer or a dietician before starting any fitness program or making any changes to your diet.

source: pristyncare

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