How to Flirt with a Woman Over Text

Wondering on how to flirt with a girl over text to maker her like you? A lot of people do. That's why I wrote some flirty tricks on how to flirt with a girl.

Whether you want to flirt with your friend or you want to entice a cute stranger over texts, you can make her like you if you know how to text the right messages without being creepy. Even if you're an expert, you can learn more tricks and add them to your flirtatious texts.

How to Flirt with a Woman Over Text

Master the following flirtatious tricks and start flirting like an expert.

1.  Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes

Generally, spelling mistakes are a great turn off for everyone. So when you're texting messages, check them properly before sending them out. Also, avoid big grammars that won't make her understand what you wrote. If you should screw up here, she won't bother to read your texts talkless of replying.

Example: If you use "their" in place of "there", she would be turned off immediately.

2. Keep it short and sweet

 Attract her with short and sweet messages. Long messages tend to be boring to everyone. Average women would hardly read a paragraph or two before ignoring your text. So don't screw up.

Send her messages that are not more than two to three paragraphs.

3.  Don't be predictable

The worst thing you can do is to be a boring and predictable guy. This mistake is very common among guys so you step out of the other guys who did things negatively and stand the chance to win her over easily. She might not reply your message if you ask boring questions.

Avoid texting messages like "Hi!", "How're you?" "How was your day going?" these messages are very boring to women. The fact is that she has received such  messages several times from other guys and she will continue to receive it. These messages are a big turn off to women.

So you start something different and unique by texting something like: "Hey trouble maker! whats the latest? then you use a smiley face to end it for her to know you aren't serious about it.

If you don't know what to write, it's better not texting her.

4.  Make her laugh

Women tend to love someone who could make them laugh. If you can succeed in making her laugh, she won't hesitate in replying your messages and will always want more till she's hooked up.

Women get bored easily, so start your conversation with something funny and exciting. No woman will ever say "NO" to someone who could make her laugh and have fun with. But be very careful with your jokes so that she won't misunderstand you and avoid making vulgar jokes.

5.  Use emoticons

Since there is no body language over text message, let emoticon do the work for you. Girls secretly love emoticons so use it often in your messages.

The main purpose of using emoticons is to express your feeling since she can't see your face or body language. It also gives more fun to your conversation.

There is also a possibility that she can misunderstand you when you're flirting with her over text since she can't see your face or body language. But with the use of emoticons, such might not happen if you use you use emoticons that are relevant to the text you're sending out.

But don't overdo when you're using emoticons. Using too many emoticons will seem like you're insecure.

6.  Use pictures

This is also important if you want to succeed in flirting with her over text. Update her with funny pictures of yourself or something else. This would create intimacy between both of you.

Don't screw up here. Don't send dick pictures or snapping everything you do and start sending it to her. Women are not interested in this. Just make it simple and funny.

7.  Compliment her

This is also important while flirting. Women love to be complimented so compliment her now and then. If you like something about her, don't forget to compliment her for that.

Give out sincere compliments so that you won't turn her off. Giving out insincere compliment might backfire so don't be creepy.

Avoid common mistakes other guys make while complimenting. Example "You're the most beautiful girl in the world". Using this kind of compliment to women seems boring to them and she will be turned off immediately. The reason is that such compliment is insincere and she has heard them so many times so she won't be moved by such compliment.

Try something different like, "I like that shirt you wore yesterday, it makes you look gorgeous". "You're one of the most intelligent girls have ever met in my life".

8.  Tease in a comic way

This is also very important while flirting but make sure she knows that you aren't serious about it. It's better to tease  women in a comic way because it attracts them easily. Use smiley face to end your teasing messages for her to know you aren't serious about it.

You can tease in a comic way by, "Mimicking her texts" "hey! stop making me think about you, I am busy".

9.  Use her name or pet name

Using her name or pet name while texting will create intimacy between both of you. It's very important especially when you're complimenting her. It will create special feelings between both of you.

You can give her funny and cute pet name according to her personality. Example, "cutie" "troublemaker" "missy" "angel eyes" "lucky charm" "love bug" "little monkey". e.t.c.

10.  Ask her questions

Ask her questions about her while flirting with her. This will let you know what she likes and dislikes. It also means you care about her.

But avoid asking interrogative questions. Don't ask her questions that could be answered with yes or no. Ask questions that will give her time to elaborate.

11.  Be yourself

Always be yourself while flirting. Stand out from those guys who claim to be whom they are not. The essence of flirting with her is to set up a date with her. When you seem different when she meets you in person, she will be turned off and all you efforts to win her over will be ruined.

12.  Arouse her districtly

If you have been doing these steps perfectly, she must have been interested in you. So it's time to know. No flirtatious texts will be complete without a district arousal. Make her think dirty without talking dirty.

Example: You can tell her " Hey babe! I just got out of the shower" "I'm trying my new clothes".

Say something like this after having a long conversation with her. If she replies with something flirty then you know she has been hooked up.

If she replies with something like " Let me see" it simply means she's getting more interested in you.

13.  Don't be clingy

If she's not responding to your texts, don't bother sending a new text or get angry. She might be busy or not interested in chatting with you. Just try to get her point and respect her personality space.

14.  Don't be readily available

Don't text her too often. Average guys believed texting a girl frequently will attract her. But this happens to be a big turn off to women. It will seem like you' throwing yourself at her and you will look desperate.

Leaving a girl to miss you is very important. She will desperately wait for your message.

15.  Leave her wanting more

This is a very important flirting skill. You should know when to end your conversation . Always be the first to end your conversation.

Never keep a conversation going to the extent of running out of interesting words. If you run out of interesting words, the conversation will end up awkward and boring. So leave her wanting more by ending the conversation yourself.

The best way to end the conversation is when she seems to enjoy the chat. Just tell her you have to go and will text her later. This will make her think of you often.


1. Don't always be the one to text her first.

2. Avoid using the word "Let me know". e.g "Did you love me? if you do, let me know".

3.  Don't talk about religion, racism or handicap.

4.  When she's using emoticons in her texts often, it simply means she also like you. Girls use emoticons for a guy they like.

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