Recognize the Signs of Dangerous Leucorrhoea

Leucorrhoea is a normal thing that happens to every woman, especially those who have entered childbearing age. This normal vaginal discharge is generally not accompanied by other disturbing complaints. However, beware of discoloration and odor, because this could be a sign of dangerous vaginal discharge.

Recognize the Signs of Dangerous Leucorrhoea

Vaginal discharge or vaginal discharge is fluid or mucus that comes out of the vagina. This mucus functions to bring out dead cells and germs from the body. The goal is to keep the vagina clean, and protect the vagina from irritation or infection.

Even though it is normal, vaginal discharge can be a sign of an illness. Especially if vaginal discharge is accompanied by other complaints, such as vaginal itching or pain. This condition can be caused by how to care for the wrong sex organs or by an illness, such as a sexually transmitted disease.

Normal and abnormal vaginal discharge
Characteristics of normal vaginal discharge include:

  • Usually clear or slightly cloudy (similar to milk).
  • Dilute or slightly thick.
  • Leucorrhoea does not smell.
  • The amount ranges from half to one teaspoon (2-5 ml).

However, the thickness, color, and amount of vaginal discharge that occurs in each woman can vary. Leucorrhoea usually will be thicker at certain times, for example at ovulation, during breastfeeding, when sexual arousal arises, during pregnancy, when using contraception, or about a week before menstruation.

While signs of vaginal discharge that are dangerous or abnormal, include:

  • The amount of vaginal discharge is more.
  • The color is different from normal, for example yellowish, green, brown, or grayish.
  • Whitish liquid smells bad.
  • Other symptoms include itching and vaginal irritation.

Causes of abnormal vaginal discharge
Abnormal vaginal discharge can be a symptom of a disease, ranging from fungal infections to cervical cancer. Below are some diseases that can cause dangerous vaginal discharge, along with the signs:

Bacterial vaginosisBacterial vaginosis can make vaginal discharge turn white, gray, or yellow accompanied by a fishy odor, itching or burning, redness, and swelling of the vagina.

Fungal infectionsIts characteristics include thick white lumpy cheese like cheese, accompanied by itching, swelling, and pain around the vulva. Pain will be felt more when having sex.

Trichomoniasis is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. This disease makes vaginal discharge yellow or greenish, foamy, and smells bad. Trichomoniasis also makes the vagina itchy and painful when urinating.

GonorrheaGonorrhea causes yellow or cloudy vaginal discharge accompanied by pelvic pain, bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, and unconscious urine.

CancerCervical cancer and endometrial cancer can cause brown or red vaginal discharge accompanied by pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding.

In addition, pelvic inflammatory disease, vaginitis, chlamydia, the use of certain drugs, such as antibiotics or birth control pills, and the habit of using vaginal cleansing fluids can also cause abnormal vaginal discharge.

Prevent Harmful Leucorrhoea
Caring for intimate organs properly and correctly can prevent the occurrence of dangerous vaginal discharge. How:

  • Clean your vagina regularly using warm water and soft soap. Soap made from hard chemicals can irritate the vagina.
  • Clean the vagina from front to back (from the direction of the vagina to the anus) to prevent bacteria from the anus from moving to the vaginal area.
  • Avoid using vaginal cleansers with antiseptic, fragrance or douching products. Antiseptic or fragrance can actually disrupt the balance of natural bacteria in the vagina, causing abnormal vaginal discharge.
  • Avoid the habit of scratching the vagina or vulva, because the risk of causing injury and infection.
  • Use comfortable cotton underwear, and avoid using pantyliners and clothes that are too tight.

If you experience signs of dangerous vaginal discharge, as mentioned above, immediately go to the doctor to get the right treatment for the cause.

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