Get Rid Of Extra Inches With Homemade Body Wraps

Nowadays, in the pursuit of beauty, we women have to resort to different methods of beautification. The term “body wrapping” is well known to you, thanks to the effective results, seen in just a few weeks. To save time and money, I recommend a few body wraps that you can do at home. 

Get Rid Of Extra Inches With Homemade Body Wraps


What are the results obtained after carrying out these procedures?

  • Dead cells are removed;
  • The body is detoxified by removing accumulated dirt, even after the first procedure;
  • Blood circulation is improved;
  • The skin cells are oxygenated and nourished with minerals and vitamins needed to maintain a healthy skin tone;
  • You get rid of extra inches around the waist and thighs;
  • It gives you a moment of relaxation.

You need to follow 5 steps for wrapping at home:

  1. Exfoliation – while you shower, remove the dead skin using: grounds coffee, oatmeal, rice flakes or any other product with peeling effect, that you have at hand.
  2. Massage – using olive oil or essential oils (lemon, lavender, grapefruit). Gently rub the skin so that the blood stream gets activated in the area.
  3. Proper application of the product on the prepared surface – use one of the recipes described below.
  4. Cover the surface with plastic foil and go under the covers or dress with something thick.
  5. Relax for 45 minutes or 1 hour.

For visible and lasting results, the body wraps for slimming must be made every day, lasting from 45 minutes to 1 hour. 10 -12 procedures are sufficient, then take a break for two months.


Of course, every cosmetic procedure has contraindications. Avoid doing body wraps if: you are pregnant, have kidney disease, have varicose veins (in this case you should use cold wraps), suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, have fever or state of drowsiness, or allergic skin reactions to one of the components of the wrapping.

Natural body wraps recipes:

  1. Wrapping with oils

You need 20 ml olive oil or almond oil, in which you add a few drops of essential oil (lemon, grapefruit, or lavender). Mix them and gently heat them on fire or in the microwave.

  1. Honey

Add in a bowl 2-3 tablespoons of honey, a few drops of lemon or orange essential oil and heat this in the microwave. Honey is known for its moisturizing and emollient effects.

  1. Coffee

Mix grounded coffee with warm milk until you get a homogeneous mass. Coffee is known to help get rid of extra pounds, due to caffeine that helps decrease fat layer.

  1. Clay

The purpose of this wrap is detoxifying. You can use any kind of clay, the color is less important. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of clay with hot water until you get a creamy paste, then apply it on the desired area.

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