12 Morning Stretches To Help You Get Rid Of Pain, Stiffness and Excess Fat

When we wake up in the morning, it is not our first thought to get up and stretch. Instead, most people drink their first coffee and smoke a cigarette. And we can all agree it is not the healthiest thing we do. But if you want to change your habit, we will give you good reasons to do so. 


After a long night of sleeping in many different positions, the body needs a good stretch. The heart needs to start pumping properly and be prepared for the next steps. If you are an office worker, you need to keep that body exercised. Sitting all day at your work desk has a detrimental effect on your body posture and health. 

12 Morning Stretches To Help You Get Rid Of Pain, Stiffness and Excess Fat


Here are some benefits stretching provides to your health:

  • It can relieve pain, stiffness, and tension
  • Warms up your body and increase circulation
  • Improves energy and memory
  • Reduces appetite and strengthens mindfulness
  • Reduces stress

If you think yoga cannot help you, think twice. The body will thank you later for your effort and many of the great things you will do to it.

Do the next poses in series. For quicker results, do 2-4 sessions and hold each stretch up to 30 seconds. To enjoy more, take a deep breath and relax.

  • Child’s pose

  • To start this exercise, kneel on the floor and touch your toes.
  • Depending on what is comfortable to you, keep your knees close or try to spread them.
  • Your torso needs to be brought to the front and you need to touch the floor with your forehead.
  • Rest your arms next to your body or stretch them forward

  • Standing forward bend

  • Spread your feet apart
  • Exhale and bend your body forward. Stop when your hands reach the floor
  • Don’t worry if you bend your knees

  • Downward-facing dog

  • Inhale and bend your upper body
  • Put your hand on the floor and step back
  • Press your hips up and back
  • Maintain your tailbone high and your spine straight
  • Feel the stretch in your legs

  • Three-legged dog

  • Inhale and lift one of your legs. Then bring it down slowly and repeat the same with your other leg.
  • You can lift your leg higher, bend your knees, or do what you feel it’s best for your body

  • Lunge

  • While bending your knee, inhale and bring one leg forward
  • Put your hands next to the foot and straighten the other leg
  • Try to elevate your chest

  • Crescent lunge

  • Inhale, bring your torso upright and your arms over your head
  • Push the floor with your feet and bring your palms together
  • Turn your head against the ceiling
  • Keep your spine long and relax your shoulders
  • Look to the ceiling and bend your back slightly

  • Warrior II

  • While bending the knee, stand and bring one leg forward
  • Extend your other leg to the back
  • Open your arms and place one arm above each leg
  • Turn your head towards your bent leg

  • Reverse warrior

  • First, exhale and bring your right hand on your light leg. Then inhale and lift your left arm
  • Look up to the sky or ceiling
  • Bend the left knee and set your feet on the ground

  • Triangle pose

  • Straighten your bent leg and inhale
  • Extend your arms to both sides and your left hand forward
  • Put your left hand down to your left leg. Press your knuckles against your ankle, skin, or the floor.
  • Your left ear needs to be parallel with the leg
  • Lift your right hand and look up
  • Open your chest

  • Plank

  • Lie on your stomach
  • Elevate your body while supporting it on your toes and forearms
  • Keep your body in a straight line

  • Upward dog

  • Inhale and flex your elbows
  • Keep both of them close to your body
  • Keep your arms straight, point your toes, and press down your hand. Bring your chest forward
  • Elevate your knees and hips
  • While pressing on the tops of your feet, you support your legs

  • Cat and cow

  • Exhale and lower your knees and chest to the ground
  • Inhale and bring your body on both arms and legs
  • Put your knees under your hips and your hand under your shoulder
  • Inhale and make an arch with your back
  • Look towards the ceiling and lift your tailbone
  • Do not place your shoulders near your ears
  • Exhale and put your chin closer to your chest
  • Tighten the core, round the back, and push your mid-back to the ceiling
  • Repeat 6-10 times

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