Tuesday, 18 March

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Making Love - And It's Worse News For Women Than Men

Remember the time when you were just married? The excitement of embarking on a new journey of life was coupled with tons of passionate lovemaking. In fact, there would have been a honeymoon phase where both of you could barely keep your hands off each other. Soon, priorities such as children, career, and other lifestyle stressors create a phase of celibacy in your life. And, before you know it, your love-life would have taken a severe beating. But let us tell you that the less time between the sheets not only affects your relationship with your partner but also has disastrous effects on your body. While these issues affect women as well as men, women seem to be more at its receiving end. Here is what happens to your body when you stop making love:

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Making Love - And It's Worse News For Women Than Men


Women –

1. Loss Of Libido

Apart from lifestyle stressors, other factors such as pregnancy, age, medical illness, and general fatigue might make you lose interest in lovemaking. However, refraining from lovemaking will actually result in a drastic loss of libido. The best way to improve your libido is to try and indulge in as much lovemaking as possible. This will ensure that you get your drive back soon.

2. Weakening Of Vaginal Wall

Imagine what happens to something that hasn’t been used for a long time? It either rusts or doesn’t function properly, right? Well, that is exactly what happens down there when you don’t make love for a long time. Of course, the vaginal wall weakens with age and menopause. However, lovemaking ensures that your lady bits retain their elasticity for a longer time.

3. Less Amount Of Lubrication

Following menopause, most women experience a drop in lubrication. This is caused due to low levels of estrogen after menopause. Also, women with vaginal infections may avoid lovemaking due to the pain it causes. However, frequent indulgence in coitus helps in improving the lubrication of the lady bits and also increases blood flow to the area.

4. Worsening Menstrual Cramps

When a woman experiences an orgasm, it releases a hormone that helps to increase the pain threshold. This acts like a natural painkiller in the body, which sometimes even reduces menstrual cramps. Therefore, it can be concluded that the lack of carnal pleasure will certainly worsen your period cramps.

5. Less UTI

The only tiny bit of good news about the lack of lovemaking is that there are fewer chances of you getting sexually transmitted diseases (STD) or a urinary tract infection (UTI). Especially when one of you has it, then the other is particularly saved from the ordeal.

Men –

1. Risk Of Prostate Cancer

For men, the number of times they ejaculate drastically reduces their risk of prostate cancer. There are, though, a small number of dissenting voices in this regard. However, a large study conducted on 30,000 men showed that men who ejaculated almost 21 times a month on an average had less risk of prostate cancer as compared to those who ejaculated just 4-7 times in a month.

2. Increased Frustration

Men generally have a higher sex drive than women. This is probably why the lack of it is sure to cause more amount of stress and frustration in them. During an orgasm, the hormone ‘prolactin’ is released. This hormone helps in relaxation and makes you sleep better. Therefore, the lack of lovemaking makes a man more frustrated, angry, and snappy.

Now that you know some of the side effects of lack of lovemaking, here’s how you can deal with them. To begin with, have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner. Discuss each others’ expectations and drawbacks. Work collectively around your busy schedules to be together. If need be, consult a sex therapist to address your concerns. This way even the little time that you both spend together will seem totally worth the effort. And, you never know, it’ll make you fall in love with each other all over again!

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