How To Get Your Ex Back With The Law Of Attraction

If you are wondering, how to get an ex back with the law of attraction, you’re not the only one. It’s one of the more common questions we get asked. If you read this entire article and follow it you can manifest your ex back! It works.

Many of you want to know if this is even possible. My answer to this question is, yes, in fact using the law of attraction is one of the most effective ways you can use to get an ex back if you use it properly and stick to it.

How To Get Your Ex Back With The Law Of Attraction


If you follow these guidelines, you will attract your ex back, or you will find a better relationship than you had before, using the same principles. As a side effect, you will naturally start to attract other people into your life, whether you want to or not. It can not be avoided.

First of all, forget the past, it is gone, there’s nothing you can do about it and can not change it so, do not dwell on it anymore. Whatever happened is in the past, your starting fresh now.

If you are doing anything else or using any other method for getting your ex back, stop now. Follow these steps, and nothing else, because they work.

So let’s begin, for the next 30 days, you will want to think about nothing but positive thoughts about your ex. Forget everything that happened before. Treat this as a game of your imagination.

Every morning when you first wake up imagine that you are with your ex, imagine you are saying good morning to each other, kissing, hugging, talking about what you’re going to do today, in other words, imagine they are there with you now.

At night do the same thing, imagine you’re falling asleep with your ex, hugging, kissing, saying I love you, saying goodnight, imagine they are there with you right now.

When you are watching TV or your favorite movie, imagine they are with you. Imagine you are having a conversation with them, talking about the movie, and so on.

When you’re cooking dinner imagine your cooking for two. You can even set the table for two like you are having dinner with your ex that night. How would you react, what would you be saying to each other? How grateful would they be that you made them dinner?

Listen to positive music or your favorite songs, watching movies about love and relationships that are positive will also help keep your mind positive and keep you in a loving feeling.


You want to do everything you can to imagine they are with you all the time. Whatever you have to do to get into the feeling of having them there….now.

This is how the law of attraction works. It is how we attract everything into our lives.

Another method you could use is writing yourself an email as if it came from them. What would they say to you? Write it as if you were together right now. Imagine they went on vacation for two weeks and were missing you really bad, what would they say to you in a letter or email?

Writing and sending emails like this to yourself, as if it came from them, is a good positive manifestation technique.

This is how the law of attraction works. The more you can feel loved and grateful for having your ex back the faster it will happen. Even if they have moved on and are with someone else. Do not worry about it, and never worry about how it will happen.

The law of attraction is very powerful and it works. Something will change, they will start missing you, they will come back to you, all from the power of the law of attraction and the unstoppable power of your mind.


What You Do Not Want to Do When You Want to Manifest Your EX Back

Do not contact them at all if you can avoid it, let them come to you, do not spy on them, check out their Facebook page, and so on. You are probably not ready to talk to them without bringing up bad feelings, arguing, or feeling the lack of not being with them

Do not read old love letters whether they are good or bad because you will soon be missing them and feeling the lack if you do you will only attract more of the same.

Don’t take any action, or force things since everything is perfect in your mind, you are loved, and grateful for having them back right now.

Apply everything stated above for 30 days. Even if you get your ex back in a matter of days, continue to do the exercises for a full 30 days. Imagining the way you want the relationship to be and it will happen in real life. This is a great method on how to get an ex back with the law of attraction.

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