Home Remedies To Treat Low Blood Pressure

Do you feel dizzy or nauseous while doing something as simple as getting up from the bed or standing up from a chair? Does it feel as if all the blood is rushing to your brain and leaving you off balance? If you answered yes to these questions, the chances are that your blood pressure is way below normal. And it needs to be treated immediately. To help you, we have come up with a set of the best home remedies for low blood pressure. Keep reading to know more.

Home Remedies To Treat Low Blood Pressure

What Is Low Blood Pressure?

Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension. It is used to define a sudden drop in the flow of blood to the organs of the body that results in symptoms of shock.

The causes of the sudden drop in your blood pressure are as follows.

What Causes Low Blood Pressure?

Low blood pressure may result from:

  • Dehydration caused by prolonged nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or exercising
  • Bleeding – moderate to severe
  • Inflammation of organs (acute pancreatitis)
  • Heart diseases due to weakened heart muscles, slowed heart rate, blood clots in the heart, etc.
  • Medications used for treating high blood pressure, depression, as well as water pills and calcium channel blockers
  • Deficiency of vitamin B12 or folate
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Septicemia
  • Vasovagal reactions
  • Postural hypotension
  • Alcohol
  • Narcotics

Low blood pressure is characterized by the following symptoms.

Signs And Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure

  • Fainting
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue

If your blood pressure has dropped due to an underlying disease, it may result in the following signs and symptoms:

  • Orthostatic hypotension (standing or sitting may bring about symptoms of low blood pressure)
  • Heart disease (chest pain or heart attack)
  • Kidney disease (increase in urea and creatinine levels in the blood due to the decreased blood supply to the kidneys)
  • Shock that causes organs like the kidneys, heart, lungs, or brain to fail

Has all this information made you a bit worried about your blood pressure? Then, why not get yourself checked and analyze the results? The following is a chart that can help you understand normal to abnormal ranges of blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Chart

Blood Pressure Stages
Blood Pressure CategorySystolic
mm Hg (Upper #)
mm Hg (Lower #)
Lower Blood Pressureless than 100andless than 60
Normalless than 120andless than 80
Elevated120-129andless than 80
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 1
High Blood Pressure
(Hypertension) Stage 2
140 or higheror90 or higher
Hypertensive Crisis
(Seek Emergency Care)
higher than 180and/orhigher then 120

Your blood pressure is actually the force that is exerted on the walls of your blood vessels by the circulating blood, and it constitutes your heart rate, breathing, and body temperature.
The blood pressure of an individual is expressed as systolic/diastolic blood pressure.

The systolic blood pressure (top number) is a representation of the pressure in the arteries when the muscles of your heart contract and pump blood. The diastolic blood pressure (bottom number) is a representation of the pressure in your arteries as the heart muscles relax following a contraction.

Your blood pressure will always be higher when your heart is contracting as opposed to when it is relaxing.

The systolic blood pressure of a healthy individual ranges between 90 and 120 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Whereas, the diastolic blood pressure ranges between 60 and 80 mm Hg.

Thus, your normal blood pressure should be lower than 120/80. Blood pressure over 130/80 is considered high. Low blood pressure is often characterized by symptoms rather than numbers. However, individuals with high blood pressure must be alert if their blood pressure drops to 100/60 or lower.

It is important to keep your blood pressure within the normal range to avoid complications. If your blood pressure has been consistently low for a while now, it is time to restore it. You can easily bring it back to the normal range by following the natural remedies given below.

How To Cure Low Blood Pressure Naturally

  1. Vitamins
  2. Coffee
  3. Green Tea
  4. Rosemary Oil
  5. Salt Water
  6. Ginseng
  7. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
  8. Licorice

1. Vitamins

Vitamins B12 and E can help a great deal in increasing low blood pressure. In fact, vitamin E should not be used by those who have high blood pressure. Vitamin B12 is used to treat anemia, which, in turn, also helps in increasing your blood pressure.

To get the required quantities of these vitamins, you can consume almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes, eggs, milk, cheese, and fish. You can also take additional supplements for these vitamins but only after consulting your doctor.

2. Coffee

You Will Need
  • 1-2 teaspoons of coffee powder
  • 1 cup water
What You Have To Do
  1. Add one to two teaspoons of coffee powder to a cup of water.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
  3. Simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Allow it to cool a bit before consuming.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink two cups of coffee daily.

Why This Works

Coffee is a rich source of caffeine, which can increase your blood pressure temporarily.

3. Green Tea

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of green tea
  • 1 cup of hot water
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of green tea to a cup of hot water.
  2. Steep for 5 to 10 minutes and strain.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink green tea 2 to 3 times daily.

Why This Works

Like coffee, green tea is also a rich source of caffeine. Although the exact mechanism of how caffeine lowers blood pressure is not understood, it is believed that it blocks a hormone responsible for keeping your arteries widened.

4. Rosemary Oil

You Will Need
  • 6 drops of rosemary oil
  • 1 tablespoon of any carrier oil (coconut or olive oil)
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix six drops of rosemary oil with a tablespoon of any carrier oil.
  2. Massage your entire body with it.
  3. Alternatively, you can add rosemary oil to your bath water and soak in it.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this once daily.

Why This Works

Rosemary oil contains camphor, which stimulates your respiratory system as well as blood circulation. Thus, rosemary oil is quite beneficial for treating low blood pressure due to its antihypotensive nature.

5. Salt Water

You Will Need
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • 1 glass of water
What You Have To Do
  1. Mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water.
  2. Drink the saline solution.
How Often You Should Do This

Do this only if there is a sudden drop in your blood pressure.

Why This Works

The presence of sodium in salt makes it a perfect remedy to raise your blood pressure. However, you must avoid overusing this remedy as too much salt can be dangerous to your health.

6. Ginseng

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of ginseng tea
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of ginseng tea to a cup of water.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan.
  3. Simmer for 5 minutes and strain.
  4. Let the tea cool a bit before adding some honey to it.
  5. Drink it up.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink this concoction 2 to 3 times daily.

Why This Works

Ginseng, even in very low doses, raises the blood pressure in people suffering from hypotension. However, in high doses, it may increase your blood pressure, and hence must be consumed in moderation.

7. Holy Basil (Tulsi)

You Will Need
  • 10-15 holy basil leaves
  • 1 teaspoon of plant based (bee free) honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Crush 10 to 15 basil leaves.
  2. Extract the juice and mix it with a teaspoon of bee free honey.
  3. Consume this mixture.
How Often You Should Do This

You must do this once every morning.

Why This Works

Holy basil or tulsi offers multiple benefits due to its therapeutic, adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, and cardioprotective properties. It is also a rich source of nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium. The combined effects of these nutrients and the properties help treat low blood pressure.

8. Licorice

You Will Need
  • 1 teaspoon of licorice tea
  • 1 cup of water
  • Honey
What You Have To Do
  1. Add a teaspoon of licorice tea to a cup of water.
  2. Bring it to a boil in a saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain and let it cool a bit.
  4. Add a little honey to the tea and consume.
How Often You Should Do This

You must drink this tea 2 to 3 times daily.

Why This Works

Licorice root helps raise the blood pressure in individuals suffering from hypotension.

While the above remedies work their magic, you must also follow these prevention tips to avoid complications.

Prevention Tips

  • Follow a diet that is high in salt.
  • Drink lots of fluids in the form of water and fruit juices.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated when the weather is hot.
  • Limit your alcohol intake.
  • Exercise regularly to promote blood flow.
  • Take precautions while sitting or standing by pumping your feet or ankles to avoid a sudden drop in your blood pressure.
  • Elevate the head of your bed while sleeping.
  • Do not lift heavy objects.
  • Do not expose yourself to hot water for long periods.
  • Have smaller and more frequent meals.

Your diet plays a very significant role in bringing your blood pressure back to the normal range. Here are a few diet tips that tell you what foods should be consumed and what should be avoided to raise your blood pressure.

Diet Chart

Best Foods That Increase Blood Pressure

  • Foods high in vitamin B12 like nori and nutritional yeast.
  • Foods high in folates like asparagus, liver, and garbanzo beans.
  • Salty foods like canned soup, cottage cheese, and olives.
  • Caffeine can also help in raising your blood pressure temporarily.
Foods To Avoid
  • Potatoes
  • Pasta
  • White rice
  • White bread
  • Alcohol
  • Sugar
  • Cakes and candies

Taking the necessary precautions and following the diet and remedies can help you in avoiding further complications. The above remedies are helpful, especially when you need a quick home remedy to treat an emergency resulting from a fall in blood pressure.

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Expert’s Answers For Readers’ Questions

What to do if your blood pressure drops suddenly?

If your blood pressure drops suddenly, you can consume more of salty foods or drinks to increase it quickly. You can also opt for an intravenous (IV) line to get electrolytes in your body quickly.

Why does low blood pressure make you tired?

Usually, low blood pressure does not make you tired. However, if the drop in your blood pressure is a result of an underlying medical condition, like an infection, heart problem, or dehydration, it can make you tired, fatigued, and lightheaded.

Can you have a heart attack due to low blood pressure?

If the drop in your blood pressure is due to an underlying heart disease, it may be characterized by chest pain or even heart attack.

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