Cranberry Detox Drink for weight loss

So, we are going to share this wonderful cranberry detox drink for weight loss.

You want to lose belly fat fast around one week period?

Well, this detox drink will help you lose more than 10 pounds of weight in around 10 days, if you follow the instructions described here. It is very effective for belly fats.

This detox drink or weight loss drink will help you to shed the fat faster, they also help you to maintain or develop a flat belly in a short time.

To prepare this detox drink you need following ingredients.

  • 2 Liter of Organic Cranberry juice
  • 200 ml of Organic Lemon Juice
  • 400 ml Organic Apple Cider Vinegar.
  • Filtered Water As per usage.

Cranberry Detox Drink for weight loss


Complete Video to Prepare Weight Loss Detox Drink


We will start with the apple cider vinegar, and always before using your apple cider vinegar with the mother in. Please, make sure you shake it up thoroughly so that everything mixed up together.

  • Take empty glass of water and add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. 
  • Add 3/4 cups of water you can do this cold, but if you do slightly warm it is more effective, but that is not necessary. You can take as refreshing drink for summer too with some ice in it.
  • Next add 1/2 a cup of  cranberry juice.
  • Add two table spoon of lemon.
  • Mix it all together and your detox drink to burn belly fat is ready.

How to drink detox drink?

You have to drink 3 times in a day, and 20 minutes before your meal.

This drink is going to make you lose at least 10 pounds or more of belly fat.



Carrots juice is great for weight loss, as carrots are low in calories and full of fiber. A tall glass of carrot juice will keep you full until lunch, so you don’t have to worry about unwanted snack attacks. It had also been recommended that the best way to have carrots is in its raw form.

Carrot juice is also known increase bile secretion which helps in burning fat thus aiding weight loss. Add an apple, half an orange and some ginger to make a wonderful detox drink that will flush out all the toxins. So the next time you plan to go on a juice diet, bring this carrot juice to your rescue.

Carrot can be great for weight loss as it works as a filler and you do not feel the need to eat more food. The best time to have cucumber juice is 1 hour before lunch.


Foods that have high water content are low in calories. Due to its high water and fiber content, cucumber juice fills you up easily and so, it can be a great meal filler. You can also squeeze some lime juice and add a few mint leaves to make a refreshing summer drink. 

Cucumbers only provide a small number of nutrients, such as potassium, vitamin C, and vitamin K. They lack protein, fat, fiber, calcium, iron, and many other nutrients needed for good health.

Please note, the cucumber diet is very low in calories and will likely lead to short-term weight loss. However, it’s likely that you will regain any weight lost after ending the cucumber diet.  

Hence, it is great to combine it with carrot juice to keep yourself less hungry throughout the time.

Though, you can keep yourself under control by doing 7 minute walk everyday 30 minutes before every meal.


Spinach the humble green veggie may help you in your weight loss journey. Low in calories and packed with the goodness of vitamins and minerals, spinach contains high content of fiber and water, which can help you and facilitate weight loss.

Spinach is a powerhouse of nutrients. Not only is it power-packed with health benefiting properties, but can also keep a host of health conditions at bay.

It is rich in vitamin B content, this green leafy vegetable may help boost metabolism naturally, as it comes loaded with iron, which further helps in carrying the oxygen that our muscles need to burn fat.

This iron-rich veggie can be consumed fresh, whole or cooked; however, you may consume it in the form of juice to boost your metabolism. 

How to make spinach juice: just grind 4-5 spinach leave with ½ cup of water and add ½ cup of cranberry juice and two table spoon of lemon juice. Drink it every morning


King of healthy weight loss drinks, orange juice being a refreshing drink, orange juice is a bundle of vitamins, nutrients and essential minerals. Orange juice is incredibly low in calories and has zero fat, which makes it an excellent option if you are looking towards shedding that extra kilo or two.

However, nutritionists often advise eating a whole orange over juicing one. Juicing an orange may cost a good amount of weight loss friendly fibers. Consuming a whole orange would help retain fibers, which help make you feel full for longer time.

When you feel full you would naturally binge less. Orange juice is packed with vitamin C, which helps in boosting your immunity and keep you protected from cold, flu and other inflammatory diseases. 

The best time to drink is early morning, though you can take it anytime you feel a need of snack of soda.


Beetroot juice is best for weight loss. It is loaded with Vitamin C, dietary fiber, nitrates, betanin, and folate. These nutrients can help you lose weight, lower blood pressure, boosts immunity and offers many other benefits.

Some of the benefits of beetroot juice apart from healthy weight loss juice are following.

Beetroot juice is crammed with healthy nutrients and small amounts of calories. It has a lot of roughage and helps keep the stomach full. It is thus an ideal food choice for anyone trying to lose weight.

Having beetroot juice helps lower weight by providing a low number of calories per serving as one beetroot contains only 35 calories.

Another characteristic of beetroot juice is its efficacy as an exercise supplement. Beetroot juice help to increase   stamina and endurance, which in turn ensures that you can exercise longer, and burn more calories. This is how beetroot juice can help you lose weight and can be used as a food substitute for people looking for weight loss.

You have landed on this page because you searched weight loss drinks or Weight Loss Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Please note: if you have any medical condition please consult your physician.

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